While these pups were not returned to the wild once they reached an age where they could presumably care for themselves, they were kept and cared for in a zoo focused on a healthy existence for them.
The book presents how important it is for species such as wolves not be allowed to be removed from the wild existence. They are considered a keystone specices upon which the eco-balance of animal, plant, land, and water exist.
The story is multi-leveled in that the reader can learn about wolves, about the eco system, about rescuing endangered wildlife, and about the proper care of wild animals. It is suitable for kindergarten and older based on the way the material in the book is presented to the child and utilized by the parent, child, or educator.
The back of the book has an abundance of information that will enhance the reader's understanding and comprehension of the subject. As this book is read, interest in further material on the subject by the child should be encouraged. Online Arbordale.com has proved a valuable asset in multi-disciplined worksheets to use utilizing this book and others which Arbordale has published.
DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy from the publisher to facilitate this review. Opinions are my own. I was not compensated.
I like how this book has lots of possible jumping off points for extended learning! Thanks for sharing this at the Booknificent Thursday link-up on Mommynificent.com this week!