O.k. guys - here is the low-down on how NOT to make orange marmalade.
I used the peels of 4 large navel oranges, plus 1 whole orange
I put them all in my small food processor and chopped it all up.
I then added 2 cups orange juice (out of a carton) and 4 cups water.
I cooked this for about 1 hour. Cooled. Refrigerated overnight.
Next afternoon: I measured the mess and put an equal amount of sugar in the pot with it. Cooked it for about 1 hour. Cooled. Refrigerated overnight. (First I tasted it before refrigerating it and thought, "My this has a 'bite' to it!")
Today, I took it out of the fridge and tasted it. I intended to perhaps add a cup of water and another cup of sugar and cook until it thickened. However, after this taste "treat" I decided that my tongue and my stomach would not be able to tolerate the "bitters" this much. So now I have a syrupy mess to dispose of.