Thursday, January 23, 2014

"The Headmistress of Rosemere (Whispers on the Moors)" by Sarah Ladd (Review & Giveaway)

About the book: Patience Creighton has dedicated herself to the Rosemere School for Young Ladies. But the return of the enigmatic master of the estate puts everything she loves at risk.

Bright, sensible Patience knows what is expected of her. At twenty-five, her opportunity for a family of her own has passed, so she invests herself in teaching at her father's school for girls. When her father dies suddenly and her brother moves away to London, she is determined to make the school successful.

Confirmed bachelor William Sterling also knows what is expected of him, but mistake after mistake has left him teetering on ruin's edge. As master of Eastmore Hall he owns a great deal of property --- including the land where Rosemere School is located --- but possesses little money to manage its upkeep. When debtors start calling, he is desperate to find a new source of income, even if it means sacrificing Rosemere.

When a fire threatens the school grounds, William must decide to what lengths he is willing to go to protect his birthright. And when Patience's brother returns with a new wife to take over management of the school, Patience suddenly finds herself unsure of her calling. After a surprising truth about William's past is brought to light, both William and Patience will have to seek God's plans for their lives-and their hearts.

My thoughts:  After reading Sarah E. Ladd's first book in the Whispers on the Moors series, The Heiress of Winterwood, I was anticipating highly the release of The Headmistress of Rosemere. From the initial foray into "Rosemere," I was not disappointed. The characters have deep layers to discover as they are woven in and out of the actions in the unfolding story. Rosemere is another estate similar to Winterwood. The residents of Rosemere survive by hosting an academy on the premises founded by the father of Patience. But Patience's father has died and her brother William has left the estate for London. This leaves the running of the academy to Patience.

Nearby is the estate of William who lives at Eastmore Hall and is land rich and money poor. William also has enemies - those to whom he is indebted. These are dangerous people. As William acquaints himself with Patience, he realizes she is in danger because of him and his past associates.

I found The Headmistress of Rosemere" to be an entertaining and captivating read. The romance that develops between William and Patience is somewhat predictable but it is sweet and fills a need in the overall scope of the story. You can depend on Sarah E. Ladd to write a clean book and not worry about undesirable scenes and foul language.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
GIVEAWAY:  One of Chat With Vera's readers has the opportunity to get a free copy of The Headmistress of Winterwood by simply using the Rafflecopter entry form below.  Open to continental USA addresses only. Begins January 23 & ENDS February 13 @ 12:91 a.m. ET.

About the author: Sarah E. Ladd has more than ten years of marketing experience. She is a graduate of Ball State University and holds degrees in public relations and marketing. The Heiress of Winterwood was the recipient of the 2011 Genesis Award for historical romance.

DISCLOSURE: I was provided a complimentary copy of The Headmistress of Rosemere by the Publicist on behalf of the author and Thomas Nelson Publishing in exchange for this honest review. Opinions expressed are solely my own. No compensation was received for this review. The giveaway is also provided by the same source and will be shipped directly to the randomly chosen winner.


  1. Hello Vera. Thanks for this give-away. It's a book I've been wanting, so maybe I can win it. 21 day wait tho. :( Sarah won the 2011 Genesis Contest for Historical Romance Category. Please put my name in for an entry. Thanks!
    Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com

  2. Wow 6 awards. One of which is 2011 Lone Star Writing Competition: Winner, Inspirational Category. Congratulations

  3. 2011 Genesis contest, Historical fiction winner

    Thanks for the review and giveaway!

  4. She won the 2011 Fool for Love Contest: Winner, Inspirational Category, among other prestigious awards!

  5. Like historical fiction a lot!

  6. Thanks for the review. One of the awards she has won is 2011 Genesis Contest: Winner, Historical Romance Category.

  7. 2011 Frasier Contest: Bronze Medalist.
    Thanks for having the giveaway.

  8. She won an award for the 2011 Genesis Contest: Winner, Historical Romance Category. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Lis K
    garfsgirl [at] hotmail [dot] com

  9. 2011 Fool for Love Contest: Winner, Inspirational Category

  10. Congratulations to Sarah, the 2011 Touched by Love Contest: Overall Winner

  11. Sarah won 2011 Genesis Contest: Winner, Historical Romance Category.

  12. Sarah won the 2011 Genesis Contest: Winner, Historical Romance Category. I loved her first book and can't wait to win the second one.

    hspruitt{at} frontiernet [dot] net

  13. I learned that she won the 2011 Genesis Contest.

  14. She won the 2011 Genesis Contest! Quite the accomplishment. :)

  15. She has won 2011 Genesis Contest: Winner, Historical Romance Category

  16. 2011 Frasier Contest: Bronze Medalist

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. 2011 Frasier Contest Bronze Medalist.

  18. She won 2011 Genesis Contest: Winner, Historical Romance Category

  19. the whole list of em"
    2011 Genesis Contest: Winner, Historical Romance Category
    2011 Touched by Love Contest: Overall Winner
    2011 Fool for Love Contest: Winner, Inspirational Category
    2011 MSRW Dixie First Chapter Contest: Winner, Inspirational Category
    2011 Lone Star Writing Competition: Winner, Inspirational Category
    2011 Frasier Contest: Bronze Medalist

    1. It is very obvious she is well recognized for what she has written.

    2. Sarah Ladd is a very gifted historical romance writer and has been recognized with many awards: 2011 Genesis Contest: Winner, Historical Romance Category
      2011 Touched by Love Contest: Overall Winner
      2011 Fool for Love Contest: Winner, Inspirational Category
      2011 MSRW Dixie First Chapter Contest: Winner, Inspirational Category
      2011 Lone Star Writing Competition: Winner, Inspirational Category
      2011 Frasier Contest: Bronze Medalist
      I'd love to win a copy of her's just the type I love to read when I have a bit of free time.:)
      Thanks for hosting the giveaway...excellent review.:)

    3. Great review, Vera...thanks for hosting the giveaway...Sarah Ladd has been recognized with many awards:
      2011 Genesis Contest: Winner, Historical Romance Category
      2011 Touched by Love Contest: Overall Winner
      2011 Fool for Love Contest: Winner, Inspirational Category
      2011 MSRW Dixie First Chapter Contest: Winner, Inspirational Category
      2011 Lone Star Writing Competition: Winner, Inspirational Category
      2011 Frasier Contest: Bronze Medalist
      I'd love to win a copy of her new book!

  20. Sarah was the Overall Winner in the 2011 Touched by Love contest
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

  21. Sarah was the 2011 Genesis Contest: Winner, Historical Romance Category.

  22. She won the 2011 Genesis Contest for Historical Romance.

  23. 2011 Fraser contest bronze medal

  24. would love to win.

  25. Sara was awarded the 2011 Frasier Contest: Bronze Medalist.

    Thanks so much for the chance to win this book, I SO enjoyed Sara's facebook author chat about the book, I'd love to read it.

  26. This book is definitely on my "I want" list! With a newborn, though, and me becoming a stay-at-home mommy, our days of book buying are now severely limited :-(

    1. Catherine - Be sure you utilize your public library. Make sure you REQUEST they acquire the books you are interested in reading such as The Headmistress of Rosemere. Requesting the library to acquire specific author's work helps the author, too.

      Don't forget to search under "Christian fiction" at your library. You might be surprised at what you find. Often if your local library does not have the book, they will get another library to send it over to them for you to read.

  27. 2011 Fraiser Award - Bronze Medalist

  28. Sarah won the 2011 Genesis contest in the Historical Romance category, and I was there in St. Louis to see her win! :-)

  29. Sarah won the 2011 Genesis contest in the Historical Romance category, and I was there in St. Louis to see her win! :-)

  30. Looks like a winner! Thanks for sharing it at Booknificent Thursday!


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