Monday, January 6, 2014

Got snow? Make Snow Cream

No, this isn't "my" snow cream. I "Googled"
the picture. But it DOES LOOK LIKE the
snow cream I used to make.
I was "chatting" on a forum the other day and someone asked about snow cream. Well, I made it a time or so for my kiddies and decided to share a recipe I "Googled" and found. 

You must have a snow fall sufficient to scrap off a top layer and get an adequate amount of snow to make the "snow cream" without getting to the ground level.  We've made it a few times but since our NC snowfalls usually are not sufficient to be sure the snow is "clean", we have not done it often. Here is a recipe I found that sounds similar to what I have done in the past.
Snow Cream By Anne Coleman 
What do you do with a big batch of freshly fallen snow? Make Snow Cream! The kids love this one even if the texture is quite different from traditional ice cream. The minute the first flake falls, they're asking when we'll be making it. It's fast and fun and the best part is, they can make this by themselves. Hands-On Time: 10 minutes Ready In: 10 minutes Yield: Serves 4 excited children

1 cup half and half or milk
1/3 to 1/2 cup granulated sugar (adjust to your taste)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 to 6 cups clean, freshly fallen snow

Directions: In a large bowl combine half and half, vanilla extract and sugar. Stir until sugar is dissolved, about 3 minutes.Stir in snow, a cup at a time, until the ice cream magically forms! Freeze for several minutes if desired before serving.
Now share your memories of snow days, snow play, snow cream.


  1. This looks delicious! With the snow we got in WI this year could supply our family snow cream for a lifetime!

  2. That looks yummy!! I'll have to remember this recipe! Thank you


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