Thursday, July 6, 2023

Quick cook fry pan bread treat

 I have found a delightful way to make a "treat" using bits of left overs and ripe bananas.The "recipe" is kind of a mish-mash and no particularly set amounts. It is for a non-stick fry pan about 8" in size. Ingredients I use sometimes (and you can vary).... NOTE: I started making this using just over-ripe bananas so they wouldn't go to waste. Then I began the adventure of playing with other add-ins. 

1/2 or 1 ripe banana (mashed)

1/4 cup dried cranberries (plumped by placing in a cup with a bit of water and microwaving for 15-30 seconds) 

about 1 T. butter (place in cup with cranberries - after plumping cranberries & allow to soften/melt, cool)

(also can add 1/4-1/2 cup mashed butternut squash - I use left overs for this)

1 egg

2 T. sugar (white granulated)

1/2 cup self-rising flour

Liquid: usually none is required. Note the water with cranberries, egg, and moisture from fruit. If you think a little is needed, use a bit of milk or water.

Mash banana (and butternut squash) well. Add egg and wisk well. Add cranberries and butter plus sugar. Stir well. Blend in flour.

Pour into hot frypan to which you've added 1 T. butter. Cook on first side. Slide onto dinner plate. Flip back into frypan so 2nd side can cook.

Serve plain or with syrup, honey, or perhaps blueberry preserves.

This is the non-stick frypan I use. 8"

Let me know if you try this and just how you like it. What did you use? I'm thinking perhaps a "savory" version would be nice, too..... onions, broccoli, spinach, spices (no sugar). What do you think? 


  1. OMG this looks and sounds so good and EASY!!! Saving this and will be making it. I keep frozen buttersquash in the freezer so would be easy to

  2. This sounds like a yummy treat!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  3. This bread looks and sounds really good! Great idea to use the over-ripe bananas for this recipe!

  4. Thank You for this delicious recipe.

  5. This sounds like a tasty no-waste treat. I think a savory version would work also!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com


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