Thursday, November 28, 2024

The Turkey Carcass

After you've served up your beautifully baked (or roasted, or smoked, or deep fried) turkey that you've sliced into lovely servings, take that "carcass" and further trim it. Cut off all that tender meat that stubbornly clings to the bones. (The old saying is that the "meat is sweetest closest to the bone.") That meat will be lovely in a salad such as topping a lovely green salad or finely copped into a sandwich type spread salad.

Now there will still be some wee bits of meat clinging to those bones. Not to worry. There is still a heap of good in the bones to be had. Now put the remaining carcass into a very large stock pan and cover it with water. Boil/simmer for at least an hour. Two is probably better.

Drain the liquid. Toss the remaining bones. Any meat that you see can be retrieved and saved in the broth. This is your stock for soup in the cold wintery days ahead. Season it with salt, pepper, and other seasonings and herbs as you like. Add vegetables or noodles as you like.

So DON'T TOSS THE CARCASS until you've gleaned all the goodness from it. 

NOTE: If too tired to do this after Thanksgiving dinner, put the turkey carcass in a large freezer bag (smash it down to size) and freeze it. 

NOTE 2: If too tired to freeze turkey carcass or someone tosses it in the trash, DON'T FRET THE SMALL STUFF. Take a deep breath, sit down, rest. Be thankful you had the blessings of that day.
--Chat With Vera's Vera Godley©


  1. I boil down the turkey carcass every time we have a roasted turkey. I do the same with ham bones. You can get several good meals - not to mention bowls of soup - off those bones. Waste not, want not!I will also use the broth to cook beans or rice side dishes.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

    1. Thank you for your affirmative comment, Nancy. We need to encourage younger folks to get "all the good" out of their food and other things.


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