Monday, May 14, 2012

"The Humorous Life of a Writer" by Penny Zeller & Giveaway of one of her books (CLOSED)

I am honored to have the Penny Zeller, author, as guest blogger today.

During a recent interview for my Montana Skies Historical Romance Series, I was reminded of a time earlier in my writing career when the interviewing process didn't run so smoothly...

When I first began my career as a writer, I started by writing magazine articles. By doing so, I was then able to stay home with my daughters and supplement our income, plus gain valuable work experience.

One afternoon several years ago, I was preparing to interview a prominent professional for a major magazine article. My daughters, Sunshine and Doodle, were toddlers then, and the concept of working from home as a writer was an adventure in itself. "Now girls, Mommy has a very important phone call to make. Can you sit nicely and quietly and watch Angelina Ballerina on the TV for a few minutes and after I'm finished, we'll go to the playground and Mommy will go down the slide and play on the swings with you."

My girls nodded and we made our routine pinky promise.  I then reached for my phone. Two minutes and I would be dialing my most important source. The entire phone interview wouldn't take longer than 20 minutes at the most, and knowing that Angelina Ballerina was my girls' favorite video, things should run quite smoothly...or so I thought.

A few minutes later, I was on the phone and writing down answers to my questions. The source was a pleasant man with so much knowledge that I could have written a dozen articles just based on his expertise alone. The phone connection was good, I was keeping up with what taking notes, and Sunshine and Doodle were sitting quietly watching Angelina Ballerina.

I glanced down to write an answer to one of my interview questions, when from out of nowhere, two-year-old Doodle sprang from the playroom,  her short stubby legs sashaying around in typical "polka" fashion. She danced in circles in the living room, giggling. It wasn't the dancing, giggling, or the joyful grin on her face that alarmed me. No, it was the loud and continous eeeeeee-aawwwww, eeeeeee-aawwwww sound of the toy accordian in her hand as she played what she called "bootiful music, Mama!"

I gasped. "No, no, sweetie," I mouthed.

Doodle smiled and continued her presentation of "How to Make Mommy Panic in One Easy Step."

"Mrs. Zeller?" My source asked, "Are you there? I am hearing some interference."

"Um, yes, sorry about that," I said. I wondered to myself how to tell my source that the interference was a child's accordian and still maintain my professionalism.

"I think we have a bad connection," my source said.

I nodded and thought to myself, well, he was about 2,500 miles away, so it could be a bad connection...

I love stories like this when my girls were several years younger. They add to the adventure of being a writer and create memories we all laugh about now.

A few years after I began writing magazine articles, God led me to begin writing books.  I am amazed at how He leads and how He prepares us for His will in our lives. I pray I make an impact for His Kingdom with every word that I write, and I am in continual prayer for His guidance regarding my current book projects.

 A few days ago, my little elementary-aged Doodle asked if I could interview her regarding her career. We hooked up the microphone to the computer, and just as she had seen me do numerous times for interviews for my books, Doodle slipped into the interviewee mode.  “Welcome to Zeller Family Radio,” I began. “I’m here today with my very special guest, Doodle Zeller.”

Doodle pretended to be an adult and I asked her questions about the career to which God had led her. “When I was just a kid,” she began. “I wanted to be a missionary to Haiti. Now I am and I’m excited to tell you all about it!”
About Penny Zeller - Bio: Penny Zeller is the author of several books and numerous magazine articles. She is also the author of the blog "A Day in the Life of a Wife, Mom, and Author" where she also provides weekly doses of inspiration and humor, along with movie reviews from a Christian worldview, and interviews with some of her favorite author friends.

Penny is an active volunteer in her community, devoting her time to assisting and nurturing women and children into a closer relationship with Christ. Her passion is to use the gift of the written word that God has given her to glorify Him and to benefit His kingdom.

Among other books, Penny is the author of McKenzie, Kaydie, and Hailee in her Montana Skies Historical Romance Series and 77 Ways Your Family Can Make a Difference: Ideas and Activities for Serving Others.

When she's not writing, Penny enjoys spending time with her family and camping, hiking, canoeing, and playing volleyball.  While she is generally a health nut, Penny does have one small weakness: hot tamales (yes, the little red candy kind!)

Penny loves to hear from her readers at her website, and on Facebook at

GIVEAWAY:  Penny is offering one of Chat With Vera's readers their choice of either McKenzie, Kaydie, or Hailee in her Montana Skies Historical Romance Series.  You can see my review of McKenzie by clicking here.  I'll be reviewing the next in the series shortly, so watch for it!  Rules for the GIVEAWAY:  Begins May 14 ENDS May 31 @ 8:00 p.m. EDT.
  1. Mandatory entry:  Leave a comment (and do play nice) and tell us if you've ever read a Penny Zeller book or what you enjoyed most from her humorous life article (above).  We'll need your email address, too, and your First name.
  2. Extra entry:  Tweet this giveaway & review and use the hashtags @GG_Survey and also #Giveaway.  We'll need the Tweet URL & your email address, too.  (May do this once daily for extra entries.)
  3. Extra entry:  Share this on some form of social media and leave the link in a comment.  Don't forget that email address. (Each "share" can be a separate entry.)


  1. Doodle sounds like such a sweetie. She would have me laughing all day long! I have not read any of Penny's books but have only heard great things about them.

    estrella8888 at roadrunner dot com

    1. Hi Diane ~ thank you for stopping by Vera's blog and for your sweet compliments about Doodle. She does have a wonderful personality and sense of humor!

  2. I have not read one of Ms. Zeller's books yet, but I have one on my pile! I am hoping to get to it real soon :)

    I think what I liked about the guest post was how things that might have been a bad experience at the time, can turn into humorous, well-loved memories :)

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

    1. Hi Faye ~ Nice to see a familiar face here! You are right, this is such a treasured memory that we all laugh about now. :) God Bless!

  3. I haven't read any of Penny's book, but they look quite fun!

    I loved the fact that the toddler wanted to be a part of Mom's interview and was providing "beautiful" background music.

    My name is Dawn and my email is dawn(dot)janis(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. Good Afternoon, Dawn~
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment for a chance to win one of my Montana Skies Historical Romance books. I hope you have a great week!

  4. I liked Penny's story about Doodle so much that now I'd love to read one of her Montana Skies stories. Please enter me in the drawing. Dena at

    1. Hello Dena ~ I'm thrilled that you enjoyed reading about Doodle and your enthusiasm abut my Montana Skies Series. Thank you so much!

  5. What an adorable story! Not sure which I like better, the "bootiful music" or her interview about being a missionary. I also work from home, as a customer service rep selling supplies to veterinarians. Once, my son was making his "bootiful music" (a 5 year-old's interpretation of the Doctor Who theme). The person on the phone asked it that was my bird. "No, that's my son." Thankfully, she laughed along with me!

    I have not yet read any of your books, either, Penny. Would love to check them out. mail_tammydoherty at charter dot net

    1. Tammy, I loved your story about your little son and the person asking if his "bootiful music" was a bird. Thank you so much for sharing!

  6. I have not read any of her books yet... but definitely look forward to it!

    I love hearing about the "real-life" stories of authors.. makes them seem human instead of above us mere humans (lol).

    1. Hello Pwnmom ~ Ha ha, yes, we authors are certainly humans with our share of funny incidents! I appreciate you stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful week!

  7. I have not read any of her books, but I love Historical Romance, so I look forward to checking them out in the near future!

    I love the part in her story about being on the phone and her daughter being oblivious and acting like act. It sounds so very much like my life with my 3 little ones. :)


    1. Hi Cristi ~ I too, love to read historical romance (as well as write it!) How fun to have three little ones - they grow up so fast, don't they? When people would tell me that after my children were first born, I wasn't sure I believed them. Now I truly can't believe how fast time goes. I hope you have a great rest of your week!

  8. I have not read any of Penny's books, but this sounds like a great series.


  9. I tweeted the giveaway here:!/WendyNewcomb/status/202573269071708160


    1. Hi Wendy ~ It's great to see you here! Thank you for the kind compliment about my Montana Skies Series and thank you for tweeting about it. I appreciate you!

  10. I haven't read any of Penny's books yet, but I have Hailee on my to-read shelf, and I'm really looking forward to it! I'd love the chance to win one of the other two books.

    "Bootiful music" :) That's so sweet. I love how kids make everything ten times cuter and sweeter.


    1. Hi Beth ~ What a compliment that you have "Hailee" on your TBR list. Thank you so much!

      I agree, kids to make everything ten times cuter and sweeter!

  11. I have read both Hailee and Kaydie. I approached this series backward and haven't read McKenzie yet.

    I always enjoy Penny's humor posts, this one is no different. Isn't it always the way...Only when we truly need our children to be quiet and angelic do they turn into noisy little imps. At least that's the way with my little one.

    andeemarie95 at gmail dot com

    1. Hi Andrea~It's nice to see you here! LOL, I have heard that before that people have read the series backwards. I love that!

      Thank you for your sweet compliment about my humor posts. I appreciate you stopping by my blog and sharing in the funnier side of life with me.

  12. i have read Penny's 'em :)
    she is fabulous writer :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

    1. Hello Karen ~ How wonderful to see you here! Thank you for sharing how much you enjoy my books. That means a lot to me that you shared that!

      I hope you have a fantastic rest of your week!

  13. Oh Brenda, wow! Six kids in less than nine years! You are one busy mom! I would love to hear some of your stories. :) Yes, I know exactly how that is to try to have everyone content for that five-minute shower.

    That is an awesome compliment that you have "McKenzie" on your TBR shelf. Thank you so much!

    And thank you also for tweeting about the giveaway and sharing it on your FB profile as well. Thank you so much!

  14. Hello Vera~ Thank you so much for graciously hosting me on your blog. I appreciate your time in putting the post together and coordinating the giveaway. Have a blessed week!

    1. Penny - It is very much my pleasure to have you as my first "guest blogger." I hope this won't be the only time, either. Love, love, love the great response of these kind readers. And your visits and comments, too.

      I am currently reading Kaydie and find her a delightful lady.

  15. Cute story Penny! I can just imagine your panic when Doodle started squealing :)

    I still have McKenzie on my "to read" list. Can't wait to dive in! Hopefully this summer...

    Be blessed!

    1. Hi Deb! I'm glad you enjoyed the story. :) Yes, I was a bit panicky when Doodle began squealing. The happiness on her face and the joy in her step were priceless. How I wished I could have filmed it!

      I can't wait to hear what you think of "McKenzie." Have a great summer!

  16. Mandatory entry:
    I have not read a Penny Zeller book yet, but I would love to, so I hope I win this contest! I really enjoyed her story because I often do call-in radio shows to promote the books I write, and I'm always afraid they'll want to schedule them when my boys are home from school because I don't want them to mess it up! So, I could really relate to Penny's story!

    Susan - smhparent at hotmail dot com

    1. Susan - I am so honored that you have visited Chat With Vera and read Penny's guest blog. Isn't she sweet to do this for me???? Penny's books are so good. Perhaps we can "talk" about a guest blog from you, too????

    2. Susan ~ What an honor to have you stop by Vera's blog! It is awesome to connect with another author.

      I, too, try to now schedule interviews when my children are still in school. Definitely easier! :)

      Have a blessed week and may God bless your writing!

    3. Vera ~ You are a blessing to me and I appreciate you hosting me!

    4. Thank you, Penny, for your kind remarks. It is such a treat to have you here. Now, watch on June 1 for Susan Heim of Chicken Soup for the soul - to present her new book on Brides and sponsor a giveaway. :)

      Isn't God good to us!!!!

  17. I tweeted this giveaway!!/ParentingAuthor/status/203303385246601216
    My email: smhparent at hotmail dot com

    1. Hi Again, Susan! Thank you so much for taking the time to tweet and share on FB about the giveaway (and multiple times too!) I really do appreciate that!

  18. I shared this on Facebook:
    My email: smhparent at hotmail dot com

  19. I just found your blog by following the links posted by a wonderful friend and great writer Cynthia Simmons. I grew up in the midwest and your series intrigues me. I look forward to getting the books.

    1. Hello Linda ~ It's nice to meet you here at Chat with Vera! I agree with you - Cynthia Simmons is a great writer. It has been a blessing to have her as a guest on my blog.

      Have a wonderful week!

  20. I haven't read any of Penny's books yet but have been wanting to. Looking forward to the opportunity of reading them.


    1. Thank you, Jo, for your enthusiasm about reading my books. I appreciate that! Have a blessed week and thank you for stopping by!

  21. I have read McKenzie and loved it! I have been hoping for the chance to read tho others!

    katsaddress AT gmail. DOT com

    1. Kat! I am so thrilled that you enjoyed reading "McKenzie." Thank you SOOOOOO much for sharing that here on Chat with Vera. Thank you also for adding the other two books in the series to your TBR list. Have a great evening!

  22. I enjoyed her humorous interview here that reminded me of my children's antics when they were that age. I have not read any of her books, but hope to have the chance to soon.


    1. Hello Susieq ~ Thank you for stopping by! I am always excited to see who is chosen as the winner. May God bless your week!

  23. Daily tweet!!/ParentingAuthor/status/204394484363038721
    smhparent at hotmail dot com

  24. Daily tweet!!/ParentingAuthor/status/204771918413438976

  25. Just found you as an author Thank you for your interview
    God bless you and yours

    1. Hello Chris ~ It is nice to meet you! Thank you for pit-stopping by Vera's blog. May the Lord bless you as well.

  26. i love this "after I began writing magazine articles, God led me to begin writing books. I am amazed at how He leads and how He prepares us for His will in our lives." !!
    it's exactly the journey i'm currently on .. lovely!
    faithhopecherrytea at*gmail.*com
    TY for sharing this! it's a total confirmation encouragement and reassurance to me today.. bless you!

    1. Hello Faith Hope Cherrytea ~ I am honored that I was able to give you encouragement and reassurance.

      How exciting to hear of the writing journey you are on! May the Lord lead you and guide you every step of the way.

  27. @_eHope tweeted {can contact via @_eHope as well}

  28. another share - this one at goodreads giveaway group by {writer...}
    faithhopecherrytea at*gmail.*com

    1. Nice, Faith - much appreciation

    2. You are a sweetheart, Faith Hope Cherrytea! Thank you SOOOO much for helping to spread the word about the giveaway on Twitter and Goodreads. I appreciate you!

  29. Tweet for the day!

  30. Didn't know Penny was a writer until just a while back. Would love to read her Montana Skies series. Will be putting them on my wish list.


    1. Hello Karen ~ Thank you for your enthusiasm about my Montana Skies Series. I am honored that you have put them on your wish list. Thank you so much! Have a blessed rest of your week. :)

  31. Tweeted:


  32. I did share this on my Facebook page but cannot figure out how to get the link to put it here.

    Karen G

    1. A big thank you, Karen, for being so willing to help spread the word via Twitter and Facebook. Thank you SO much!

  33. I have not had the pleasure of reading any of her books but I most appreciate her honesty and sense of humor.

    1. Hi Rhonda ~ Thank you for the compliment about my article. I appreciate that! I hope you have a great evening!

  34. Daily tweet!
    smhparent at hotmail dot com

  35. Tweeted:

  36. shared on FB :

    1. Good Evening, Pwnmom~ Thank you so much for sharing about my Montana Skies Series giveaway on Twitter and Facebook. I really appreciate you helping to spread the word!

  37. I have read one of Penny's book...really enjoyed it.Thanks...

    1. Hello Jackie ~ Thank you for sharing that you enjoyed reading one of my books. I am honored! God Bless!

  38. I have not read any of Penny Zeller's books. But McKenzie, Kaydie, and Hailee sounds so interesting. Will have to check the library for these books.

    Kay Gervais

    1. Hello Kay ~ Thank you for your kind words about "McKenzie" "Kaydie" and "Hailee." I am thrilled that you will be checking your library for these books. If by chance your library doesn't already have them, most libraries are awesome about ordering books at a patron's request.

      By the way, I love your email name "msbookwormlady." Have a great day!

  39. Hi! Enjoyed the story. I love how kids have such a way of keeping us grounded. Love it! I have never read Penny's books, but they sound like they would be good reads.

    darlene (at) darleneshortridge (dot) com

  40. Shared on FB.

    darlene (at) darleneshortridge (dot) com

  41. Daily tweet!

  42. I've not read any Penny Zeller's books, but would love to. These sound great!

  43. I would like to enter if its not to late and book I am going to pick is McKenzie.
    God Bless!

  44. Hi Penny, I read Kaydie and Hailee which were both great and looking forward to reading McKenzie. Really enjoyed your interview and love your childrens names.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  45. Tweeted

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  46. Shared on FB!/brenda.b.hill.3/posts/237594519689546

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  47. I enjoy your books very much and I look forward for a chance to win one of them. I really enjoyed your stories of your children. I am curious about where you got there names. I raised four children and I love to remember the things they did and said. God bless you and your family.

    Glenda Parker


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment here at Chat With Vera. If you need to contact me directly, please use the "Comment Me" email associated with this blog and posted in the sidebar.