Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The Second Sky by Patrick Guest & illustrated by Jonathan Bentley from Eerdmans Publishing

ISBN: 9780802855206
Buy it on Amazon
My thoughts:  Such a sweet and  beautiful book for your little ones. The book is awash in shades of blue which is so lovely. Just "what" does the color blue do for us?
Blue: It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body. It slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect.
With that in mind I reread the book about little penguin's desire to fly. He wants to reach the sky. He wants to soar. He wants freedom. So he tries to run, waddle, leap, plunge, reach out. It all fails.


He tumbles into the sea. The depths. The glories. The majesty of the sea. He realizes he IS flying. He IS soaring. He has reached a different sky. One he is at home in and for which he is fitted.

And through this all he is awash in the calming, beautiful blues of sky and sea.

A lovely book.

About the book: The first thing Gilbert sees when he hatches from his egg is the sky. It is love at first sight and from that moment on Gilbert longs to fly like other birds.

But Penguins don’t fly, they waddle, and so begins Gilbert's quest to find his place in the world.

Great things happen when you reach for the sky.

~|~ GIVEAWAY ~|~
Begins March 28
Ends April 22 at 12:01 a.m. EDT.
Open to USA addresses only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy from Eerdmans Young Readers (Eerdmans Publishing) to facilitate this review. Opinions are mine, alone, and are freely given. Winner's copy is provided and shipped directly to the winner by the publisher.


  1. 1 - Get on Your Bike
    2 - Sleuthing the Bible
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  2. 1) The secret cat
    2) Why study the past?

  3. (1) What young readers book would you like to have? The Watcher

    (2) What other book - not a children's book - you are interested in?
    Parenting Forward

  4. Thanks for the lovely review Vera!

    Patrick Guest from Australia

  5. 1. The Young Reader's book I'd like to have is When a Wolf is Hungry.

    2. A book for older readers that I'd like to have is Eva's Story.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  6. I would love for young readers to have the book Thank You, God. I am interested in the book Dignity and Destiny.

  7. 1) I would like to have "No Place Like Home".

    2) I'm interested in "Yet One More Spring".


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