Friday, January 29, 2016

I Can Play It: Music games and activities to help your child learn by Patricia Shehan Campbell & Maja Pitamic [Review & Giveaway]

About the book:
Paperback $17.99 
ISBN-13: 978-1438007076
  • Explore the rhythm of speech and song accompanied by instruments as well as easy-to-find objects at home
  • Make suggestions for integrating music in everyday activities:
This enjoy able guide to musical exploration is packed with kid-pleasing, skill-building activities that will keep them laughing, singing, and moving all day long. Open up the world of music to children and watch them learn how to express themselves in entertaining, educational, and enriching ways.

My thoughts: This is not a children's book. This is a book for parents and/or teachers to utilize in guiding children to engage in a world of sounds - specifically making musical sounds in and around the world they inhabit. Older elementary children will have fun with a few of the activities that they can do on their own. This activity book takes the child from banging the spoon on the pot to constructing a rubber band banjo. It will help the child to identify and learn about counting rhythm and beats.

This is a HAPPY book full of joyful experiences and radiant faces. That alone would make it a pleasure to own. However, I relish in the fact that mommy will now have a guide to help her even if she, herself, is somewhat musically "challenged." Little tots already have an innate desire and ability to bang pots, plunk piano keys, sway, prance, and jiggle whenever they hear music. They have that innate ability to create joyful sounds with their voices when happy.

Taking everyday objects and creating sounds and learning rhythms is one of the steps in this guidebook. Guides to nap music and a listing of a variety of compositions and composers helps in selection. There are activities in each section. Singing rhymes is covered with several well-known nursery rhyme/songs.... Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Itsy Bitsy Spider, etc...... though the music itself does not accompany the words. Basically, the book is about the sounds that are all around us and turning them into an appreciation for sounds, rhythms, and music.

It is up to the parent and teacher to guide, encourage, and provide tools and resources that will fully develop a world of wonderful sounds and delightful music in the child. I Can Play It is certainly a step in the right direction and a march to the right drum.
Begins January 29
ENDS February 18 @ 12:00 a.m. ET. 
 Open to USA addresses only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
DISCLOSURE: I was provided a copy by Barron's Educational Services to facilitate this review. Opinions expressed are solely my own. I was not compensated for this review. Giveaway prize is provided directly to the winner by Barron's.


  1. I'm not sure what I would use to teach kinds sounds and rhythms. My nephew got a trumpet for Christmas and has been really enjoying that. So, maybe just giving a kid an instrument is a good start?

  2. I was happy today when I spotted some woodpeckers at the bird feeder

  3. Kids like to make noise. Stomping their feet along with percussion is always fun.

  4. I was brought to joy watching my kitties play with a toy I made them. Making the toy is what I did to bring them joy.

  5. I gave my extra pass to a random couple to the local home and landscape show as I was leaving.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Beatbox or use spoons on the kitchen counter. We get easily amused!


  7. What has brought you joy today?

    Waking up earlier than usual had me more productive throughout the day.
    What have you done to bring joy to someone today?

    I smiled at them and they smiled back.

  8. This sounds like a really good resource! Thanks so much for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday!

  9. I get music cd's for my grand kids to listen to and sometimes we find things around the house when they visit to make music on to go with the songs.

  10. I haven't gone out today but last night we were out for dinner and gave the waitress a steep tip. I would hope that brought her some joy. :)

  11. We like to sing songs and clap out rhythms with our hands or tambourines.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  12. Talking to my Mom on the phone earlier today brought me joy. I hope doing the same brought her joy as well. :)

  13. Playing with spoons and pots and pans are always a fun way to help children learn sounds, music, and rhythms!


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