Wednesday, February 6, 2013

"Jellybeans Morning Noon & Night" by Maggie Pajak & Illustrated by Marni Backer (Review & Giveaway)

Just looking at the cover of this bright, delightfully illustrated book and seeing the expressions on the faces of the three children who are the inventive characters of the story Jellybeans Morning Noon & Night simply draws you into its pages in anticipation of a rollicking time with the kids.

Now the two boys simply love jellybeans and they enlist their cousin to help them convince their mother that they can have them to eat morning, noon, and night.  The plan is devious for certain. The kids are determined.  Their plan is to be the chefs for the day and serve their mother each and every meal - incorporating jellybeans into the mix in a delightful way.

Of course, mother is smart and goes along with them knowing full well that in the end, they will see the folly of eating jellybeans all day long. Smart mom. Smart kids. Happy ending.

The author, Maggie Pajak, as the wife of a deployed serviceman was full time story-teller to her boys while daddy was deployed.  Therefore, she has the wonderful dedication in the front of the book " all of the soldiers who are not able to tuck their little ones into bed with a night-night story while serving their country and all of their little ones who wish that they could."  Commendable!  Much appreciated!

The use of strong, vibrant colors and intense black lines  and the joyous, smug, delight expressed on the kids faces.  The kids marching through the kitchen or shouting up the stairs just engage the reader or child fully in the story.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ GIVEAWAY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Author Maggie Pajak has gracious agreed to provide a copy of the book for one of Chat With Vera's readers as a giveaway prize.  Just enter via the Rafflecopter links below.  (Please be patient as Rafflecopter is sometimes a bit slow to load.) This giveaway only open to USA addresses. Begins Feb. 7, 2013 - ENDS February 21 at 12:01 a.m. EST
a Rafflecopter giveaway
DISCLOSURE: I was provided a complimentary copy of Jellybeans Morning Noon & Night by the author in exchange for my honest review. Opinions expressed are solely my own.


  1. My grandson loves "fruit snacks" and would eat them all day long if he could.

  2. "Jellybeans Morning Noon & Night" depicts the times of the day in a way that children can identify with. The book is charming.

  3. Of course I wish I could eat chocolate morning noon and night

  4. Loved the trailer. It looks so cute. It was also nice to put a face with the author.

  5. Sometimes I think I would love chocolate all day long!

  6. This looks like a fun story with bright, colorful illustrations.

  7. I would love to win this book for my daughter.

  8. Yes, my daughters would love to eat sweets morning noon and night and thanks to my husband, they were able to experience their first tummy ache from eating a very large bag of chocolate chip cookies since he gave them the bag instead of just giving them a couple of cookies thinking that they would self regulate.

  9. I like how the flower illustrations come alive in the video.

  10. I can't recall any of my 3 kids or 7 grandkids saying that.


  11. I love the bright colors and it looks like a cute story.


  12. I bet my kids would love to eat them all the time!

  13. I love the illustrations. It looks like a very cute story.
    Katie J.

  14. I love jelly beans -so I make sure they are never in the house:)

  15. I am not sure if my comment went through or not so I will post again.

    I love jellybeans as long as they are sour and I could maybe eat them morning, noon at night sometimes.

    I liked the trailers bright colors and it made the book look fun

    Thank you for the chance to win

    griperang at embarqmail dot com

  16. My son, who is now 19 years old STILL loves to eat strawberry licorice!

  17. The trailer was cute. I liked the accompanying music.

  18. This book looks so adorable! I'll tweet about the giveaway to my followers. Thanks for linking into the Kid Lit Blog Hop Vera! :D

  19. Thanks for this great giveaway. My daughter asked what jelly beans were just yesterday when we read about them in another story.

  20. I'd love to eat jellybeans 24/7. I LOVE the popcorn flavored ones!

  21. The trailer had my attention immediately when I saw the two boys names because my boys are also named Matthew and Andrew. I chuckled at the idea of popcorn jellybeans, very cute! The illustrated page of morning, noon & night will be easily understood by most children to help them understand the different times of the day.

  22. It is not my children that want to eat jellybeans morning, noon & night, it is me! Thankfully, my children are not very fond of sweets.

  23. I could eat jelly beans every day. I love the Gimbal's jelly beans. They are much cheaper than Jelly Belly's and you can get them either online or at Walmart.
    I would love to win the book for the children who use our church library and give out jelly beans too.
    Thanks for entering me in the giveaway.

  24. The winner of "Jellybeans Morning Noon & Night" sent me this swee email:

    A 'happy' note, I got the book today and thank you for the jellybeans and bracelets! I quickly read the story and posted a review on my blog: and on (wfnren) and (wfnren) for you. I tried to post the review on and but could not find the book on there. Oh, and I posted it on my goodreads too!

    I'm sure my grandson will love this book, I really like that the pages are full of bright colors.

    Bless you,


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