Sunday, February 10, 2013

"Eradicate: Blotting Out God In America" by David Fiorazo

ISBN:  9781622450268
What a fearsome thought runs through my mind when I think of the title of David Fiorazo's book Eradicate: Blotting Out God In America!  It should strike fear in the heart of every born-again man, woman, and child and also in the heart of those who are not but who are morally upright, good people.

Can you imagine what America would be like without God? Without the influence of God's people? Without the influence of godly morals?  Believe it or not it seems that very scenario is fast approaching us from sea to shining sea and from the North to the South and encompassing every corner of our existence. 

Having lived beyond my allotted three-score and ten, I have seen much of what Mr. Fiorazo speaks and he documents it very expertly.  I was not aware, though, that even before I was born or my parents were born that movements were afoot to lay the groundwork for the abortion movement, for the removal of God and His Word from the school house, and the complete revolutionization
of the political framework that makes America "American."

I can confirm, though, that just as Mr. Fiorazo so astutely records, the 1960s  brought about drastic change and society continued to spiral downward and unfailingly to the abyss that we now see.  But the question was raised, "Where were the Christians? They failed to stop the process to eradicate God in the public arena, in the school house, and even in the 'House of God.'"  But I assure you, the Christians have been there but there were just not enough involved. Today there are still strong Christian groups trying to stay the tide of destruction of that which we hold near and dear to our hearts - a God-fearing America!

Mr. Fiorazo is not a timid writer. He clearly and definitively speaks to the issues and the details of the downfall. He tells it as it is - quotes people, names people and places and organizations.  He does not hold back because of fear of reprisal.  He is bold in his address of events and issues and the people who are the cause and advocates. Adults need to read this book. It needs to be discussed with high school students about to launch into the adult world where they will become the leaders of the future.  But I caution, there is at least one chapter that has very strong language and references. 

The book deals with history and the present movement right up to the 2012 Presidential election. But the information it contains will not become outdated because the references will be a great resource concisely taking you down the timeline recording the process of downfall.

One short-coming I felt the book has is a means of research or finding material if one so chooses to reference it at some point.  I can see the need for a comprehensive index at the end with page numbers for each appearance of an event, organization, individual, etc.  This would make this book invaluable for study or future reference. I would strongly encourage the author to pursue this for subsequent editions of this book. If such is already available, perhaps it can be posted on the author's website for downloading.

Disclosure of Material: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review program, which requires an honest, though not necessarily positive, review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s CFR Title 16, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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