Thursday, October 20, 2022

A chill in 'Carolina

 I just wonder how other folks here in middle North Carolina feel about being slammed with winter when summer had forgotten it was finished. Summer seemed to linger lazily amongst us letting us bask in warm sun and gentle breezes. (Of course, we will just ignore the fact that hurricanes do have more than gentle breezes and do blot out our sun!)

But really, yesterday morning I awoke to a "hard freeze" as we call it here in the Tar Heel state. The ground was crisp and frosty white. Leaves on hydrangea bushes blackened. Beautiful blue hydrangea blossoms chillingly browned.

And again today, we woke to cold. Tonight it is cold. Though our beautiful Carolina Blue skies and warm sunshine did make the day a joy.

So we're in for it now. Maybe there will be a bit of "Indian Summer" or maybe not. But in 'Carolina the saying is..... "If you don't like the weather, wait until this afternoon and it'll be a different season."

1 comment:

  1. "If you don't like the weather, wait until this afternoon and it'll be a different season." Folks in Kentucky have the same saying!


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