Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Ask a Southern lady what makes the South different

From my rambling thoughts in 2013.

Did you ask a Southern lady what makes the South different?

Ah, you ask a Southern lady what makes the South different? Well, we say "Yes Sir" and "No Sir" in these parts. We show respect. We call someone older than our self Mr. and Mrs. XXX and we hold the door for ladies and old folks.

We still expect baggers at the grocery to bag groceries and help the eldery get them to the car. Of course, the budget and the yanks have just about taken that away from us.

We like our tea strong and we like it sweet and we like it cold and not diluted too much with ice. Just enough to break a sweat on the glass if its warm outside.

We like our vegetables cooked tender and soft - not tender crisp (or raw). We do enjoy a nice cool salad but salads and cooked vegetables are two entirely different things.

Most of us talk slow enough so you can understand what we're saying and take it in. It usually gets pretty warm down here and we just can't rush things as much or our "boiler" will burst wide open.

Here in the "new South" we enjoy other things and foods as well as the next person. Just keep within the bounds of proper cooking. No "wave offering" of warmth over that food. We like it cooked hot and long. We like our grits - morning and night. We enjoy them with butter and we enjoy them with cheese. I don't like sugar and milk on mine and have never known a Southerner who does.

Now if you're from the North or from California (or Seattle) you might think we're a bit slow around here. Not so. We just take it easy because as I said..... that boiler might just explode in the heat. But if you'll be patient with us, we'll try to be patient with you and your fast talking, fast driving, fast living (well, they're doing that everywhere aren't they). We'll let you tell us about your ways and maybe you'll be courteous enough to let us share a bit about us, too.

Now, what 'r you having for supper tonight? Grits?

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