Tuesday, May 14, 2019

National Geographic Kids Almanac 2020 (Ages 8-12) & "Summer on the Go Alamanac 2020 Grand Giveaway" USA/CAN

It's HERE! Your annual National Geographic Kids Almanac 2020 has been released. This is the 10th Anniversary edition. I know my grand-girls are highly anticipating this one and have loved previous editions. What's in this one? Of course, there is all sorts of cool stuff like games, fun facts, super pictures, and...... well, it's just great!

To top it all off, National Geo has the 20/20 Visionary Challenge LIVE - check it out CLICK HERE - Awesome!

National Geographic Kids Almanac 2020 (Ages 8-12; 352 pages).

Hailed by School Library Journal as “one of the leaders in the world of almanacs”  this year’s edition features all-new content, interviews with renowned National Geographic explorers in each chapter, a special look at what was going on in the world when the first National Geographic Kids Almanac came out 10 years ago, plus the results of the 2019 Almanac Challenge — Lions Forever Poster Contest — and a new challenge for kids who want to get involved with helping our planet.

The best-selling kids’ almanac ON THE PLANET is packed with hundreds of photos and facts, crafts and fascinating features about animals, science, nature, technology, conservation, and more. For book lovers and reluctant readers alike, the National Geographic Kids Almanac 2020 is a compelling and balanced combination of:
  • Fun and games, including activities, jokes, quizzes and comics
  • Practical resources, including homework help and fast facts and maps of every country
  • Exciting sections on pop culture, cool technology, extreme exploration and more
  • Lighthearted favorites like the “Cutest Animals of 2020!”
The Alamanac will inspire young readers to be the change they want to see in the world around them and will encourage them to become more involved environmentally, socially, and in other ways.

Just WHAT is the National Geographic Kids 20/20 Visionary Challenge? Well, Nat'l Geo is asking readers to imagine the world 10 years from now and to picture a positive change, invention or discovery they’d like to see become reality, in whatever area interests them: animals, people, places, science, technology or beyond — the sky’s the limit! Kids will be able to read some of their great ideas in next year’s Almanac 2021.

Another source of inspiration? The real-life National Geographic explorers who are the cornerstone of National Georgraphic’s philosophy and mission.  The 2020 edition highlights many of them including Christine Chen, a geologist and climate scientist; Katey Walter Anthony, an aquatic ecosystem ecologist; and Kakani Katija, a bioengineer to name just a few profiled.

My thoughts: I simply love these annual almanacs. There is something that simply intrigues me about maps and these folks do maps RIGHT! I am captivated about places, creatures, things I've never seen and will never be able to see. These folks bring it right into my home, heart, and hands in these colorful and insightful books. They are designed for KIDS! Right! But this granny absolutely loves them!

There are so many facets to the 2020 Almanac - Cultural, Space and Earth, Fun and Games, Exploration, Nature, History Happens (history buffs like myself love this one!), Geography (map lovers and those who love studying the "layout of the land" will relish this one!). So much good stuff!

Two great giveaways for you to enter......

As a special way to celebrate the 10th anniversary edition of the Almanac, Nat'l Geo is hosting a Summer on the Go Almanac 2020 Grand Prize Giveaway — a GO-PRO! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway
DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy of the book to facilitate my review. Opinions are solely my own and are freely given. Prize is provided and shipped directly to the winner by publisher or its representative.


  1. *"What is your sure-to-win activities to keep your child active through the summer - mentally & physically?"

    1. Employment.
    2. Books.
    3. Classes (could be art, theatre, etc.).

    *At kids.nationalgeographic.com, I especially liked the lion poster by "Frida L., 12, Corinth, Texas."

    *"If you have ever read or bought to share a National Geographic Kids' Almanac, leave a comment on your experience or that of your kid's." We love their almanacs--it's amazing that they're able to create such well-edited and interesting books!

  2. I enjoy National Geographic books and magazines my favorite are the travel magazines.

  3. Have them:
    1. Read books (check out the public library - they often have a thematic program sometimes with prizes)
    2. Get outside - go to the park, museums, local nature parks, etc.
    3. Take summer classes that are fun such as an art class, or STEM program (schools may offer these). A good summer day program can offer an excellent program as well.


  5. To keep kids active in the summer-
    1. activities/events at the library
    2. museum visits
    3. trips to the park

  6. My niece & nephew love the almanacs. I've gotten them for them for the last few years.

  7. 1.Reading
    2.Math games on tablet
    3.Camping trips

  8. To avoid "summer slump":

    1. Read both to and with the children, no matter how old or young they are.

    2. Plan a bucket list of activities that just so happen to use academic skills: cook or bake while reading a recipe, make purchases where you count out money, practice skills while grocery shopping - making lists, colors, types of food, counting, estimating cost of total purchase.

    3. Plan and execute fun activities together - back yard activity course, talent show, sing along. Plan what accessories you will need and gather or make them - use recycled items to be kind to the Earth. Set up your activity items and then do your activity together.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  9. Children love to read National Geographic almanacs. The almanacs are colorful and nicely laid out and tempt even reluctant readers to dive right in and read.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  10. National Geographic Kids has great books. My kids love reading them.

  11. I have a few things
    1) trips to the library for books
    2) online courses
    3) park trips with nature books and guides to explore plants and water bodies

  12. My children learn alot from national Geographic

  13. Children adore the National Geographic Almanacs. Even reluctant readers eagerly pick them up. The great photography and shorter bite size articles lure them into these great books.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  14. 1...There are great summer programs for reading at the library 2.. Parks and recreation has a lot of great programs 3...Play puzzles and board games 4..If child is old enough a babysitting course

  15. Yes My child loved reading about the animals and looking at the photos National Geographic is a great read to have for children

  16. I like all the videos, especially the Best Job Ever - Wildlife Photographer episode.

  17. We start everyday running around the block to wake our mind and bodies up. We also go to the park, which is conveniently across the street. If we are at the beach, we run on the beach.

  18. We have never read these books, but my daughters would LOVE them! I love that they are reading and learning about fun facts! I would really love to win this for my girls.

  19. National Geographic is a trusted brand for our family.

  20. 1. Outside nature study.
    2. Book reading
    3. Workbooks for new grade level.

  21. We do a lot of day trips in the summer either to the museum, parks or hiking.

  22. I love National Geographic. Thanks for hosting.

  23. 1. My grandchildren and I read together. I love to find new books to read with them.

    2. We play games outside and go for walks.

    3. My favorite activity is making craft projects together.

  24. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.


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