Saturday, November 26, 2016

Heroes & Heroines - National Geographic Kids packs a lot into 2 books [Review & 2-book set Giveaway]

Hardcover: 176 pages
Grade level: 3 - 7
ISBN-13: 978-1426325571

The Book of Heroines: Tales of History's Gutsiest Gals by Stephanie Warren Drimmer

About the book: Everybody needs a role model! Discover true stories of superstars, war heroes, world leaders, gusty gals, and everyday women who changed the world. From Sacagawea to Mother Teresa, Annie Oakley to Malala Yousafzai, these famous women hiked up their pants and petticoats and charged full-speed ahead to prove girls are just as tough as boys...maybe even tougher. Complete with amazing images and a fun design, this is the book that every kid with a goal, hope, or dream will want to own.

My thoughts: The concept of an explosively interesting, eye-catching, mind-engaging book of women who have achieved much in spite of societal difficulties is fabulous and National Geographic Kids books has done a great job of compiling  this collection of short biographic sketches replete with photographs and grapics.

I personally think that inclusion of Wonder Woman in this collection is an error in judgment by the author and editor. Fantasy and imaginary characters play a role in exciting fiction, but super heroes from comic books are not the stuff of quality writing to encourage children to strive for high achievement.

Real life is better and more exciting than fiction any day.

Included in this collection of fabulous ladies of achievement are legendary women of ancient times venerated by generations of peoples and history itself. Women in battle, women in science, women at work. Women can - they have and still do, achieve great accomplishment despite many obstacles.

At the end of the book is a section on animals who have been great achievers as well. Very interesting.

What do I think of the book? I think it presents a lot of super information about heroines and is a really good book for perusing that will most likely lead to additional investigative research. I love the short biographic sketches of individuals. There is a fantastic amount of information to be gleaned from this fun book.

Hardcover: 176 pages
Grade level: 3 - 7
ISBN-13: 978-1426325533

The Book of Heroes: Tales of History's Most Daring Guys by Crispin Boyer

About the book: Everybody needs a role model! Discover the true stories of superheroes, rebels, world leaders, action heroes, sports legends, and many more daring dudes, all of whom played their part to make their mark, make a contribution, and make the world a better place.

From Abraham Lincoln to Sitting Bull, Stephen Hawking to Galileo, these cool guys had the boldness, bravery, and brains to meet the challenges of their day. With a fun design, engaging text, and high-quality photographs, this is ultimate hero guide and keepsake for 21st century kids.

My thoughts: I was quite impressed with the selection of men heroes featured in The Book of Heroes and believe that the short biographies of each will entice the young reader to further investigate just who these intelligent, daring, and innovative men actually where and how they contributed to our World.

Featuring men from ancient times as well as recent history and from today's news, the assortment of heroes covers a broad spectrum of attributes these men held that made them a true leader or hero.

I recommend this book as well as the other in the series, The Book of Heroines, for gifting to a young person who you would rather not give another toy and also for inclusion in various libraries. 

1 copy of each book: Heroes & Heroines
Begins November 27
ENDS December 11 @ 12:01 a.m ET
Open to USA addresses only
DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy of each book to facilitate a review giving my honest opinion. These are freely given without compensation or requirement. Giveaway copies are provided directly to the winner by the publicist or publisher.


  1. My kids would like the Brain Games and the National Parks.

  2. Annie Oakley is one of my heroes, since she helped carry the Wild West Show and was an excellent trick pony rider.

  3. I've always thought Anne Frank was a very special author and individual.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  4. On their site, I liked their Moment of Snooze and Play Now Adventure.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  5. I think all policemen, firefighters and soldiers are heros.

  6. All police,firefighters,military, first responders and medical personnel.

  7. I was surprised to see games to play and videos to watch on National Geographic's website.

  8. We love Weird But True, and of course, the giveaways!

  9. My real hero is my father. He worked so hard for us to have what we needed as we grew up. He took so much time just to be with us.

  10. I love the games and the stories of the animals. it is fun and educational.

  11. Bartolome de las Casas, for being ahead of his time in believing that native peoples should not be enslaved missionaries should not force conversions. He came to the new world just as Columbus was leaving, and spent the rest of his life trying to protect and serve the Native Americans of Central America.

  12. One hero that I find special is not very well known. Louis Zamperini, the man that the movie/book "Unbroken" is based on. He overcame so much & was able to forgive.

  13. Two things we find interesting are National Treasures & Amazing Animals.

  14. i know it sounds lame, but my husband is my hero. as far as famous people go, i have always looked up to rosa parks!

  15. These look interesting! Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday on this week!

  16. Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King Jr.

  17. My granddaughters would like to learn about bizarre bugs and something fishy.

  18. Venus is covered with volcanoes and Mercury is made mostly of iron. They just went to Cape Canaveral and they are so interested in all things space.


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