Monday, August 15, 2016

Mindful Soap Co. brings essential oils to the home for creating balanced family members through use of soaps, etc. [Review & Giveaway]

A word from the creator of Mindful Soap Company. . .

As a mom with a child diagnosed with autism, I had no idea that certain essential oils could be used in conjunction with my son's therapy to further promote his progress. Essential oils have been used for centuries to promote emotional and physical well-being. Taking this knowledge, and adding it to a new-found love for soap making, the Mindful Soap Company was born. Diagnosed with autism at the age of 4, my son began going to therapy sessions at the Brain Balance Center. As a part of his therapy sessions, his coach had him smell specific essential oils to help stimulate certain parts of the brain.

Phthalates: possible carcinogens and endocrine
disruptors linked to reproductive development problems
Having a background in Biology, this was all very interesting to me. I researched essential oils a little further and discovered that many oils have health benefits and have been used in different ways down through the centuries.

After a lot of trial and error, I learned how to make soap from scratch using the traditional cold-process method. The next thing I knew, the Brain Balance Center wanted to buy some and give it to their clients. Friends and family loved it wanted to buy it, too! This was the beginning of The Mindful Soap Company.

Essential oils have been shown to contribute to overall emotional balance and well-being and are also far less irritating to sensitive skin.

Vera's thoughts: When I saw the Mindful Soap Co. online I was fascinated by the prospect of a "purpose" behind using essential oils in soaps, bath salts, and as destressors. I've understood for awhile that it is really better to use natural products and part of that is incorporating essential oils for fragrance instead of artificial fragrances. I had no idea that there was benefit for the overall emotional  and yes, even productive balance and well-being of the individual to be had simply by using these natural products.

After doing some reading on the subject and trying several "brands" of natural products I have found that I do enjoy these products. I do actually like them. I truly like the idea that the ingredients are natural and not chemicals whose names I can not spell nor pronounce let alone have no clue what they really are.

I have three of the Mindful Soap Co. products to try out for myself. They are different in that they have a purpose other than being simple, nice bath or "spa" products.
Anti-Aging Bath Salts, Spearmint Leaf 100% Natural Soap, & "Focus" Essential Oil Blend

This Anti-Aging Bath Salt has an unusual fragrance and it is not "girly" so the men in your home will likely not object to having a nice soak in it as well. The base is epsom salts also known as magnesium sulfate. You can find it very inexpensive at a multitude of stores. Epsom salts are good in your bath for aches and soreness.
Ingredients include black walnut hull powder, essential oils of patchouli, cedarwood, and orange. It should help tightens and tones sagging skin, reducing the visibility of wrinkles; helps heal wounds, fade scars and stretch marks; and can calm skin problems due to eczema, psoriasis, acne, and other forms of dermatitis.
I found the fragrance of these oils very different. My bath was very relaxing and soothing. My skin felt wonderful after this nice soak. The bath water doesn't seem oily as with some bath salts that have oils in them. This is very nice.

Ever rub-squeeze mint leaves between your fingers
and then smell all the goodness? Just imagine how
wonderfully fragrant this soap is. Yummy!
The Spearmint Leaf 100% Natural Handcrafted Soap has a wonderfully refreshing fragrance that brightens my sensory experience even while it just sits on the counter awaiting my using it. So fresh smelling.
Soaps are made with plant-based oils and are packed with nature's vitamins, minerals, and all the good stuff. What you won't find are artificial colors, fragrances or chemicals...ever! You will love the strong scents which come from essential oils and the rich, foamy, bubbly lather! Spearmint Leaf: with essential oils of: Spearmint (helps respiratory system and nervous system and used to treat headaches, nausea, fatigue, and depression), Eucalyptus (supports respiratory system and soothes sore muscles). Ingredients: olive oil, distilled water, coconut oil, sustainable palm oil, lye, castor oil, essential oil blend, nettle leaf powder.
This is the "good stuff" - truly. The fragrance is so very refreshing. I loved bathing with it. The soap is so smooth and silky feeling when I lather with it. I just love it.

The Essential Oil Blend "Focus" Roll On is a tiny bottle of powerful lusciousness. The mild, woodsy scent of "Focus" comes primarily from the cedarwood essential oil. I found this refreshing and it's scent takes me back many years and to memories of my mother's cedar chest that sat at the foot of her bed. It was a gift from my Dad to Mom soon after they married and was beautifully carved on top and front. When opened, the fragrance of the cedarwood would waft toward me. I loved it. So first of all, "Focus" takes me on a focused memory trip. Fun!

I have used the Focus Essential Oil Blend a few times and have not sensed an enhancement of my mental focus abilities. I can see no harm in using it and will continue to use it - especially when the need to focus is more necessary. I plan to share this with a family member, too, to see if it enhances their ability to focus.
This 100% pure, therapeutic-grade essential oil blend can be used to help promote concentration and keep emotionally grounded. The essential oils are blended with Jojoba oil, which mimics the natural oils produced by the body. This blend contains the following:
  • Vetiver: known for its calming, grounding effect on emotions
  • Lavender: known for its ability to calm the mind, ease anxiety, and help one stay engaged.
  • Cedarwood: known for its grounding, calming effect on the nervous system
  • Lemon: known to promote mental focus and clarity. May help clear the mind of distractions
Note from Mindful Soap: The vetiver, specifically is widely used in the autism and ADHD community because it helps promote concentration, focus, and emotional grounding. The other oils help calm as well. 
In general, I believe that while the owner of Mindful Soap Co. created her products primarily to aid the autistic individual, any person can benefit from using natural products infused with these wonderful oils. The owner's science background lends credence to her ability to successfully evaluate ingredients and utilize them in the creation of these products that can potentially be very beneficial.

Shop a 20% discount
Aug.15 - Sept. 6
Coupon Code "CHATWITHVERA" & get 
20% off your entire 1st order

Your choice: one product of either, Essential Oil Roll Bottle, Bath Salts, or Bar of Soap
Prize to be in your choice of scent/fragrance
Begins August 15
ENDS September 6 @ 12:01 a.m. EDT
Open to USA addresses only
a Rafflecopter giveaway
DISCLOSURE: I received complimentary products to facilitate this review. Opinions are solely my own. I was not compensated. Prize is provided by Mindful Soap and is shipped directly to the winner.


  1. I would love to try the Citrus Splash and Lavender Bloom soaps.

  2. I would love to use the bar soap (Citrus Splash or Spearmint Leaf sounds nice) and the Pink Grapefruit Foaming Hand Wash. I found that the hand wash is made with olive, coconut, palm and jojoba oils.
    Thank you!

  3. I like the Rosemary Lavender Body Wash and Plain Jane (unscented) Soap Bar. I learned that they are not made with artificial colors, fragrances or chemicals.

  4. I found the RELAX Essential Oil Roll-On for distressing my DIL. I like it because it is easy to use.

  5. I would love to try the Mojito Body Wash and the Honey Oatmeal Body Cream. I really like that the products made by the Mindful Soap Co. are made with all natural ingredients.

  6. I would love to try the FOCUS Essential Oil Roll-On for my husband who is really stressed right now because he has recently had to go on hemodialysis.

  7. I like the Citrus Body Cream and Citrus Splash Soap. I like that the soap is cold-process.

  8. I like that these products are all natural ingredients. I would like to try some of the essential oil blends and the soaps and body washes.

    I would like to have my sister try some of the essential oil blends.

  9. I am most interested in the bar soap, body wash, and body creams. The lavender and citrus scents appeal to me most. I didn't know that smelling certain essential oils can stimulate certain parts of the brain.

  10. The Honey and Oatmeal bar soap would be good for my niece who has sensitive skin.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I think I'd like the Mojito Body Wash and the Rosemary Lavender Body Wash. The owner was inspired by her son & his use of essential oils to start the Mindful Soap Company.

  14. I think the RELAX Essential Oil Roll-On would be good for my husband and I. We're both under quite a bit of stress.

  15. I would love to try the Citrus Splash Body Cream and the Pink Grapefruit Body Wash. I enjoyed reading how this Moms business originated and helped her sons autism at the same time.

  16. I would also love to get the hand made soap bars variety pack to give to my mother. She enjoys good soap but doesn't usually buy it for herself.

  17. the citurs splash looks very cool and refreshing

  18. I'd most like the soothing bath salts and the honey oatmeal soap bar. The oatmeal acts like an exfoliant.

  19. I think my mom would like the Immunity roll on oil. She has arthritis, and maybe this would help.

  20. I would love the Pink Grapefruit Foaming Hand Soap & the Honey Oatmeal Soap Bar! I find it interestingly awesome that their soap is packed with skin-loving nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants, & contains no parabens or artificial fragrances or dyes!

  21. The FOCUS Essential Oil Roll-On would be great for a family member who needs to focus! I love that it contains sandalwood & Lavendar!

  22. I would like to try the Citrus Splash Body Cream and Lavender Bloom Body Cream. I found interesting that shea butter is a superfood for the skin.
    Michelle Castagne

  23. the lavender bloom soap bar and Lavender Bloom Body Cream.

  24. This would be wonderful for me BREATHE Essential Oil Roll-On

  25. I would LOVE to try the Shea and Avocado Body Cream & Plain Jane Soap Bar. Sounds lovely x :)

  26. I love the fact that there is no baddies in these products! I'm very mindful of what I put on my body and just the fact that no artificial fragrances are used, but all natural oils, is a huge plus with me!

  27. I love the idea of the Calming Bath Salts for my husband, as he's under a lot of stress and I think this would help me greatly x

  28. I would love the Citrus Splash Soap to shower with and the Citrus Splash Body Lotion to apply after and maximize my fresh citrus scent! I find it interesting and great that these are made with natural oils, I know that will help them smell more real and is better for my skin.

  29. I would really like the RELAX Essential Oil Roll-On and
    Mojito Body Wash - 8 oz. I learned that this wash has Spearmint Essential Oil: An uplifting oil, great for alleviating fatigue and depression.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  30. My husband and I could benefit from RELAX Essential Oil Roll-On. He has been having health issues which causes stress for both of us and to RELAX would be nice!
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  31. I would like to have the lavender facial bar soap. It is said to have vitamins in the soap.

  32. I think that the Black Velvet - Activated Charcoal Soap Bar sounds wonderful because of the Lavender and Tea Tree essential oils that have been shown to contribute to healthy, clearer skin. I also love the sound of the Mojito Body Wash!

  33. I would like to try the Breathe Essential Oil Roll-On and the Calming Bath Salts. I learned that studies have shown that both lavender and ylang ylang essential oils are sedatives and can provide relief from stress, anxiety, and nervous afflictions. I would also like to try the Rosemary Lavender Body Wash. I love lavender!!

    kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  34. I would love to have my husband try the Mojito Body Wash. He could feel refreshed every day!

    kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  35. I'd like to try the Honey Oatmeal Soap Bar & the Lavender Bloom Soap Bar.
    I know I'd enjoy the strong scents from the soap which come from essential oils.


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