Thursday, June 18, 2015

"Hey Mama Teas" designed for the pregnant or nursing mother, but delicious for anyone! [Review & Giveaway]

Folks, you've got to hear this story and discover this product for yourself. Well, the story first straight from "Hey Mama"...

This is a short story line of why Hey Mama was created and what we were looking to achieve with the finished product.. 

During my wife Lisa's pregnancy of our one month old baby girl Nya, she realized that besides the herbal tea bags that she was drinking regularly, basically no beverages existed that were specifically formulated to suit the needs of pregnant and nursing mothers. So she sought out the finest ingredients and herbal blends to create an herbal tea experience in the convenience of a ready to drink brewed tea.
All of the herbal ingredients in each Hey Mama Tea were specifically added to provide a safe, distinct, and great tasting tasting herbal brew to provide support throughout three trimesters of pregnancy and while breastfeeding. 
This really caught my attention. You see, although I'm a Southern lady-of-a-certain-age and not of child-bearing age, I am a mother. My children are grown and have given me 13 grand children. I've seen pregnancy close-up-and-personal. Nursing babies has been priority, too. But so has thirst and a desire for something thirst-quenching and refreshing. And of course, something that won't harm that little one.

The Hey Mama Teas are simply good stuff. They are bottled in thick bottles (no risky plastic here!) that really help chill the tea. I have tried four of their varieties. So far my favorite is the peach tea but they are refreshing, light, and delicious. I will say, though, that the Nettle (or something) in the Lemon tea was simply not appealing to me. But the Peach (my favorite), the Raspberry, and Minty were so good and refreshing.

Organic. Kosher. Herbal. No Caffeine. Non GMO. Has Folic Acid. And it also tastes so good! So these will receive the Chat With Vera stamp of approval. I give Hey Mama Teas high marks for taste, convenience, and quality.

Product information (from Hey Mama) - "Hey Mama is set apart by its commitments to bringing joy to moms by providing safe and delicious ready to drink beverages suited to fit their needs. Hey Mama Teas are ready to drink, herbal teas specifically formulated for pregnant and nursing moms. We used the safest, highest quality and best tasting ingredients to provide support during and after pregnancy. Hey Mama Teas are naturally caffeine free, USDA Organic, Non Gmo, Kosher and contain 100% of RDA of Folic Acid.

Organic herbs such as..

  • Red Raspberry Leaf-The tannins in raspberry leaf give it astringent properties which make it soothing both internally and externally. It is naturally high in magnesium, potassium, iron and b-vitamins which make it helpful for nausea, leg cramps, and improving sleep during pregnancy. The specific combination of nutrients in Raspberry Leaf makes it extremely beneficial for the female reproductive system. 
  • Nettle-The list of vitamins and minerals in Stinging Nettles nearly includes every one known to be necessary for human health and growth. Vitamins A, C, D and K, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, iron and sulphur are particularly abundant in Nettles leaves. Nettles are a very high source of digestible iron. 
  • Peppermint- Peppermint can help calm your stomach muscles, which can help relieve flatulence, nausea and vomiting that can occur during early pregnancy. Peppermint-herb is an excellent source of minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, manganese and magnesium. The mint herb contains no cholesterol; however, it is rich in essential oils, vitamins and dietary fiber, which helps to control blood cholesterol and blood pressure inside the human body.
  • Ginger- As if easing morning sickness didn't make ginger attractive enough, you'll also get small amounts of key nutrients when you consume fresh ginger. Ginger supplies iron for proper blood formation, vitamin C to help support the formation of your baby's immune system and folic acid, which helps prevent birth defects. composes many essential nutrients and vitamins such as pyridoxine (vitamin B-6), pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5) that are required for optimum health.
  • Fenugreek- Fenugreek can increase a woman's breast milk supply because it acts as a galactagogue, a substance for increasing milk supply.
  • Fennel- Fennel seeds contain anethole, which is considered a phytoestrogen. Phytoestrogens mimic the properties of the hormone estrogen, which is normally involved in the growth of the mammary glands and increased secretion of milk in women.  Fennel is also an excellent sources of minerals like copper, potassium, calcium, iron, selenium, zinc, manganese, and magnesium. 
  • Chamomile- Most people turn to chamomile tea for its nerve-soothing and sedative qualities. 
  • Oat Straw- Oatstraw is one of the best remedies for “feeding” the nervous system. It is useful for exhaustion and depression; it strengthens the whole nervous system, making it a preventative and protective herb to enhance your ability to cope with stress. While being stimulating and energy-giving, they are also relaxing and an aid to sleep. Oats is also a uterine tonic, and works on strengthening the thyroid and balancing hormone production. Oatstraw contains protein (gluten), saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, steroidal compounds, vitamins B1, B2, D, E, carotene, starch and fat. It also contains minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron and trace elements like silicon and potassium.
  • Blessed Thistle- Blessed thistle is believed to be a galactagogue, taken to help make more breast milk. It is an excellent herbal source of potassium and sodium.
  • Naturally Caffeine Free Red Rooibos Tea- Rooibos tea appears to contain large amounts of polyphenols and other antioxidants that appear to protect your body’s cells from oxidative stress from free radicals. Rooibos benefits include positive things to do with our stomachs, including improving digestion, relieves nausea and vomiting, and prevents constipation. During pregnancy, the woman’s body produces more blood to supplement for both the baby and the mother. The body needs more iron, folate, and vitamin B12 for blood cell production. If the supply of these is not enough, then anemia might develop. Iron with folic supplements is usually prescribed by the doctor to prevent anemia and congenital defects. Tannins, chemicals which are found in teas, are responsible for its antioxidant properties. This same chemical is also responsible for the decrease in iron absorption by the body. Apparently, rooibos does not contain tannin and therefore, does not hinder the absorption of iron.
Where can you find Hey Mama TeaCurrently sold on and on in addition to numerous New York City Retailers. Placement should be in major retailers throughout the United States in the coming months.
A 4-bottle bundle of Hey Mama Teas
& a Hey mama! Baby-bump T-shirt
Begins June 18 & ENDS July 8 @ 12:01 a.m. EDT. 
 Open to USA addresses only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
DISCLOSURE: I was provided four complimentary bottles to facilitate this review. Opinions expressed are solely my own. I was not compensated for this review.


  1. I'm always looking for something refreshing to drink!

  2. When I saw this giveaway I immediately thought of my daughter-in-law - she is due in July & anticipates nursing. She is a big fan of keeping hydrated & I know she would be interested in trying Hey Mama teas.

  3. I am into organic things and would love to try this!

  4. Finally- Just what pregnant and nursing moms need! I love how it is an organic herbal blend. I can't wait to try this. Thank you Hey Mama Teas!!

  5. Ack. I'm sorry. I was not paying attention and entered info in the wrong spot. I'm not on linky but submitted it accidentally. Is there anyway to unsubmit/delete it?

  6. Yes when my wife was pregnant she was all way needing something to drink

  7. I am pregnant now (8th month and it's the summer ahhhh) and I drink water all day! I would LOVE to try these drinks :)

  8. im always thirsty these look pretty refreshing

  9. I was pregnant in the summer, so I liked to drink lemonade.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  10. My one friend always did want something refreshing!

  11. When I was pregnant I was always on the lookout for non-alcoholic refreshing drinks. Drinking water only got old!

  12. All my friends and nieces would enjoy this drink they always want something healthy


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