Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Spark your memory a bit about Fisher Price Little People Play Sets

Remember the Little People Play Sets manufactured by Fisher Price? I do. I remember my children receiving them as their "special" toy at Christmas. We had five children so the toys were usually few and well played with and well shared amongst the five.

What do I remember about these wonderfully creative, playful, educational toys? I remember they were well made. The little people were actually wood. They looked much like the ones sold today, but ours were wooden.

We treasured each and every critter, "person," chair, bed, cow, plow - well you get the gist. We were very careful not to lose them.

We had the School House, the family house, the hospital, the garage, the parking deck, the airplane, the airport, the farm (wonderful barn "mooed" when you closed the doors). Oh these were wonderful.

And you know, now nearly 50 years hence, some are still being played with by my grandchildren. I have grandchild ranging from 4 years to 27 years and they have all taken a spin flying the airplane, running the little cars around our living room, placing the fencing and animals in just the right positions. And ringing that delightful school bell atop the school house.

Yes, Fisher Price toys were the stuff of dreams and imaginations many years ago, and I am sure that today many young children are making delightful memories as they arrange their play sets and let their imaginations soar.

NOTE: I am not affiliated with Fisher Price. This is just a simple bit of a mother's roaming the back alleys of her mind and remembering joyful moments her children brought into her life.


  1. Boy, do I remember! I still have some in the toy boxes for the grandkids...nostalgia!

  2. I love special things that can be shared through the generations!

  3. Wow, this really brings back memories from my childhood and babysitting years. I loved these toys!

  4. How well I remember those Fisher Price toys we bought our kids. I think that was before Legos came along. We still had a garage with parking deck in our attic up until about two years ago. I was getting to the point that climbing up through a small opening in the ceiling was too much effort so I made a final foray and cleared it all out.

  5. Yes, I remember these! We had them growing up and for many years afterward as my mom kept them around for the children she would babysit. Such fond memories of those special toys. I would love to get them for my children!

  6. Yes, I remember these. My sons.played with them a lot. Wish I had kept them.


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