Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Captain No Beard: The Crew Goes Coconuts! by Carole P. Roman (Review & Giveaway - US & Canada)

Award-winning author Carole P. Roman continues to publish children's books that entertain and educate. Today we're going to look at another of her "Captain No Beard" series - The Crew Goes Coconuts!
About the book:  There is a storm brewing on the Flying Dragon, and it's not about the weather. When the crew finds themselves parched and not enough juice to go around, blame falls on Matie the goat, Hallie's friend. Divided, they square off, ready for a fight and Captain No Beard must teach his crew that not only is bullying wrong, they must learn to value and respect each and every member of the crew. Watch the crew of the Flying Dragon learn an important lesson about being a true friend.
If you are unfamiliar with Captain No Beard, it is about brothers, sisters, and cousins playing in the kid's bedroom and the bed is the ship, the stuffed animals are the crew, and the story line is usually solving the issues that kids face - sharing, bullying, meanness, kindness. And in The Crew Goes Coconuts! they learn that looking and speaking differently from each other does not entitle them to belittle, make fun of, or not accept each other.

They soon learn that the goat (whose "goat" they keep trying to get - pun intended), has value to add to their play and gathering. They become thirsty. All drinks are gone. What are they to do? Ahoy there me matey! I see an island. And then the solution is solved by Matie the Goat.

Each of these books is a delight and so cute. Children love the "pirates" and love to "shiver me timbers" and "Ahoy, mateys." 

I previously reviewed each of the Captain No Beard books and found them delightful, educational along the lines of character traits, colorful, and fun. Take a look at each of my reviews:
  1. Strangers On The High Seas
  2. Stuck In The Doldrums
  3. Pepper Parrot's Problem with Patience
  4. Captain No Beard (book 1 in series)
Why not read my reviews and also go to Amazon.com and read other rave reviews for Carole P. Roman's Captain No Beard books.  But for right now, just use the entry form below and see if perhaps you might be the one to be blessed with a copy of The Crew Goes Coconuts! for that special child in your life.

GIVEAWAY:  A print copy  of the Captain No Beard book The Crew Goes Coconuts! to one lucky winner. Open in US & CANADA. Begins June 17 & ENDS July 8  @ 12:01 a.m. EDT. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway 
DISCLOSURE: A copy provided by the author as a giveaway for one of Chat With Vera's readers. This giveaway hosted solely for readers of Chat With Vera.  A complimentary copy provided for this review. Opinions expressed are my own. No compensation received.


  1. My son loves the Disney show Jake and the Neverland Pirates so he does pretend to be a pirate often.

  2. I play a little as a kid, but my kids do not play. I hope this book inspires them to start playing in different ways!!

  3. My grandchildren play pirates. They have Pirate play sets with a ship and characters.
    They also dress in Pirate hats and build blanket and box ships.
    Thank you

  4. My kids weren't into pirates until the recent Disney Pirate Fairy movie and now they love pirates. They'd love this book!
    garfsgirl [at] hotmail [dot] com

  5. I don't think I ever played pirates, but my kids are interested in them. :)

  6. I love her children's books! They are really well thought out and the pirate theme sounds like another winner!
    Sonja dot Nishimoto at gmail dot com

  7. I don't think we ever played pirates... We did pretend our swingset was a boat though - we didn't do any swashbuckling though.

  8. We definitely play pirates :-)
    Forts as ships, paper towel rolls as telescopes, create our own flag, hook our fingers & grunt and growl , ha-ha!
    We have a lot of fun

  9. I love the book cover. The illustrations are precious! Thanks for sharing this on the hop!

  10. I've never been a big fan of pirates, but this book does sound fun! Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday! Always love having you there!

  11. I don't remember ever playing pirates when I was a child, and I don't recall my children doing so also. Every year in a town near where I live now, there is an annual pirate festival. It looks fun with everyone wearing pirate costumes.

  12. My grandsons play pirate quite often.

  13. yes they love to play pirate!

  14. I can't recall ever playing pirates as a kid - I think my mom thought it was too violent - they were very strict. abrennan09@hotmail.com


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