Sunday, April 20, 2014

He Is Risen Indeed!

To me, Easter – or preferably – Resurrection Sunday, is the most important day on the Christian’s calendar. This is a day when we as Christians specifically remember the depth of depravity that drove the need for Christ to suffer and die for our sins. Christ was willing to lay down His perfect life so that we could be redeemed.

But the wonder doesn’t cease with the death of the Son of God hanging on a wooden cross. No the wonder is that He Is Risen! Yes! He Is risen as He said!

The tomb was found empty by Mary when she came early on Resurrection Day to anoint His body as was the custom of the Jews. But He was not there.

So Mary ran! She ran not in fear but in astonishment and in joy. She ran to share the good news that Christ is Risen!

So I share it with you today. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!


  1. Beautifully written and I love the music! I have many Christian Wow music and it reminds me a song from there.


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