Thursday, July 18, 2013

"Mary Kay Cosmetics" representative shares how she got started (Review & Giveaway)

Today I'd like to share a lady that can help you with your skin care needs. Dawn Janis is a multi-layered individual wearing several hats. Read the interview below and also factor into that she does book reviews, too.

How did you get started as a Mary Kay representative?  I have worn Mary Kay for years. All through high school and college. It's really the only makeup I could find that (1) didn't break me out and (2) didn't leave a base line. In high school and college, I didn't wear it daily. So whenever I needed something, the consultant who I would order from would be out of business. I was working at Family Christian Stores at the time that I met Laura, my future director. She was wearing something that said Mary Kay on it. I asked her if she sold Mary Kay and she said "Yes." Later, I met with her for a facial and she told me more about the company. At that time, I wasn't interested in being a representative at all. But I did hold a party and got my skin care for free. My last semester in graduate school, I was taking a course that focused on entrepreneurs. My professor told the class that he wanted one group to do Mary Kay Ash. I turn to my group members and say, "One phone call and I've got all our research." So we did Mary Kay Ash, the founder of the company. After graduating, Laura asked if I might be interested again. She'd not asked me to hear more about the company in about a year and a half. I had moved from being not interested to being slightly more interested, but still not ready to sign up.

I accepted a job with the City of Houston's Water Department. I'd been working there for a year when I was frustrated. I wasn't feeling appreciated and we were working LONG hours. So I emailed Laura. I told her I think I want to do this. She promptly replied back to me asking me to call her at lunchtime. So I did. We talked for almost an hour while I nibbled on my sandwich. Keep in mind that I already loved the products, knew a LOT about the company and Mary Kay in general. Laura now had to address the type of my personality that needed to see why I should do this. She told me to go home and write out a list as to why I should and why I shouldn't sign up. So I did. I was over at my best friend's that night and we chatted and I told her that I was thinking of doing this. She told me I've been wanting to try it, so if you sell it, I'll buy from you. Later that week I was at my mom's. Totally out of the blue, mom told me that I should sell Mary Kay. So my thoughts were, "I've got Mom and I've got my friend. That's two customers. That's more than a lot of people start with. I'm in." So that night I signed my beauty consultant agreement. It's truly been the best $100 I've ever spent.

I can honestly say that I've learned so much about myself since signing up. I've developed a lot more confidence in myself. I've learned to let things roll off of me. I've used my Mary Kay sales to pay for Christmas for the past two years as well as buying a new mattress. Currently I make between $200-$500 a month and that's income that wasn't in my budget. So it helps pay some of my bills and reduces my student loan. I try to pay $100 a month out of my Mary Kay money onto my student loan.

My favorite product:  Timewise Night Solution. It completely cleared up my acne scars.

What do I love about Mary Kay besides the products?  The sisterhood. The friendships. The encouragement. And the prizes.

What has been your favorite prize?  I love my mirrored table lamps

What else should we know?  I'm currently working on building my team and moving into leadership. So I'm looking for team members. The flexibility of the business allows me to work full time, keep up with book reviews, have time for my friends and family all while working my business into my life. There's an hour of time here and a couple of hours there where I can hold appointments and meet with customers.   The cost to start a business is only $100 plus tax and shipping. All training is online and my director (Laura) has helped me each step of the way. We say that we're in business for ourselves but we're not in business by ourselves. The Mary Kay sisterhood offers encouragement and support through every stage.
Left to right: Timewise-Even Complexion mask & essence;
Satin Hands-scrub, Hand Cream, & Hand Softener;
Lash Love Mascara & Eye Makeup Remover

Vera's product review:
I received all the little trial size items pictured above so I could see for myself the quality of Mary Kay products. I love the mascara as it is not too thick or clumpy. The satin hands trio of products really feels good and leaves my hands soft and satiny. It will take a bit of time to see results from the TimeWise products, but I am excited about possibly lightening the spots that have begun to show on my face by using these. Being a lady of-a-certain-age, I need all the help I can get. I have seen lovely ladies who use Mary Kay products through the years and envied them. Now I get a chance to see for myself!

I strictly adhere to the mind-set that it is neither too late nor too early to begin to care for your skin. You do the best you can with the equipment (or products) you have. Access to products of the quality that Mary Kay offers should help ladies to care for their skin.

A mini satin hands set and a small lipstick case with a mini lip gloss is being provided by Dawn Janis for one of Chat With Vera's readers. Just use the Rafflecopter entry form below to enter. Begins July 18 and ENDS August 5 @ 12:01 a.m. EDT. Open to USA addresses only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
DISCLOSURE: I was sent the samples to try and review the the Mary Kay representative "Dawn" in exchange for a product review. No compensation was received for this review and posting.  You may purchase the products (shipping of $5.50 plus tax on all orders)


  1. Vera, Thanks so much for hosting me on here today! I'll answer any questions that your readers have.

    1. You're quite welcome, Dawn. It is my pleasure to have the opportunity to try a bit of Mary Kay products. You said that your favorite was the Time Wise Night Solution. Do you have a 2nd best/favorite?

    2. I do. It's the Thinking of You perfume. I have strong allergies and the fragrance is soft and doesn't make me sneeze.

  2. This is a great blog post. I buy products from Dawn and have been happy with everything I've tried.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Laura. What products are you especially fond of?

  3. Commented on Facebook:

  4. I would like to try the Timewise even complexion mask

  5. commented on facebook and liked her page

  6. I would love to try the TimeWise Miracle Set.


  8. I left a comment on facebook. Thank you for the giveaway!!!

  9. Thank you :)
    sue-hull64 at comcast dot net


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