Sunday, December 23, 2012

Purex Baby Detergent: Review - GIVEAWAY - Sweepstakes

Let's face it.  The days of a house full of babies and spit-ups, and food spills, and slobbers are over in our household.  But for many of you, it is your way of life right now and keeping baby's laundry done without costing a fortune and doing it where it doesn't irritate their skin; where it gets those annoying baby stains out; where it is safe for your machine as well as baby; and where you can actually feel good about accomplishing that chore that is more an act-of-love than an act-of-chore is a real challenge.

Ta-da-da-da-....... Purex is on the scene with a new BABY detergent that is designed to be adequate, inexpensive, good smelling, safe, good for your washing machine and good for your pocketbook (oops I think I indicated that already).  It is even beautifully designed to say "baby" and "pure."  Look at the adorable baby peeking at you.  Look at the baby pink and baby blue of the package.  Look at the pure white of the bottle itself.  Then when you look inside, it is clear - that's right not pink, not blue, not green or aqua - just pure clear.

Now when my 5 were little ones running (or creeping) around getting all dirtied up and I had to tackle those stains, there was only 1 (I said ONE) "baby" detergent on the market.  It came in a pink box, began with a "D", and cost a fortune.  I bought as much as I could, but those boxes of "D" were purchased few and far between.  The powered soap (detergent) did the job, protected the baby skin, and helped with freshness and some stains, but it really hurt my pocketbook.   I just wish there had been a Purex Baby detergent available then.
 Gentle on Baby's Skin
Tough on Baby's Messes
Picture property of Chat With Vera
Dermatologist-tested formula
Bright, white clean with a gentle baby-inspired fragrance

I HAVE used this baby detergent for regular laundry and found it works fine in my machine and leaves the clothes fresh.  I would not hesitate to use it for my fine dedicates (instead of that very expensive cold water fine hand-washables detergent in the stores).  I will be sharing one of my free coupons with a family member who DOES have a baby.  The other two are going as prizes for my dear Chat With Vera readers to vie for via Rafflecopter.

Here on Chat With Vera I have a little giveaway of 2 coupons and 2 winners who will each get 1 FREE PRODUCT COUPON for PUREX BABY detergent.  Just enter via the Rafflecopter links below.  (Please be patient as Rafflecopter is sometimes a bit slow to load.) This giveaway only open to USA addresses. Begins December 23 - ENDS January 8 at 12:01 a.m. EST
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Oops! You might not find the Purex Baby Degtergent in every store. 
Check here to locate it:
DISCLOSURE: Purex provided me with a bottle of Purex Baby detergent in exchange for a product review. Opinions expressed are solely my own.


  1. grass and beet stains debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  2. I am happy Christmas is almost here and I will get to see my family debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  3. I am so excited that my first grandchild - a sweet little girl 1 mo old is here for Christmas. It's going to be very special!

  4. Merry Christmas!!! Thanks for a great giveaway. I'm excited to see my family tomorrow :)

    Maggie True Armstrong
    maggie at pdclarion dot com

  5. Toughest stains are formula and poopie!

    Maggie True Armstrong
    maggie at pdclarion dot com

  6. Def dark baby food, like tough to get out.

  7. My toughest stain would be poopie!

  8. I had a great Christmas with my family ! Made me HAPPY!

  9. Thank you so much for this great giveaway! I've been trying to win great things for my new niece!!!

  10. The toughest stain so far is "explosions" that make it out the back of the diaper!

  11. I'm cuddling with my kitty - ALWAYS a happy time!

  12. Formula is the hardest stain ever!

  13. Looking forward to the new year and all that it holds!

  14. Carrots and squash!

  15. Happy New Year...almost! Wishing everyone a happy and healthy next year!

  16. Happy New Years! Best wishes to everyone

    Jeana O'donnell-Murphy

  17. The hardest to remove stains for me were always the iron supplement that I had to give my premee.

  18. Thanks for the giveaway. I love Purex.

  19. suebunting1977at(gmail)dot(com) Happy New Years!

  20. suebunting1977at(gmail)dot(com) grape juice stain!

  21. I love giveaways!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  22. The toughest stains are in babyy's diapers.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  23. I'm so happy it is bedtime!!! New years was fun, though!

  24. Aren't all baby stains gross?? Actually, I think baby spit up is hard to get out once it has set for a long time!

  25. Spit up from soy

  26. The toughest stain I had to get out of my 1 year olds shirt are from Squash. Something about that orange tint just does not wash out easily, or at all in some cases.

  27. Something HAPPY: I have the cutest little boy in this town. He's got bright blue eyes and every stain he makes is worth his lovely demeanor and happy personality. =p

  28. Peas. Still can barely stand to smell them.

  29. I am happy that 2013 is here. Last year was a rough one for my family and I am looking forward to wonderful new things this year, especially the new great-niece or nephew who will be here soon!

  30. toughest stains for me are salad dressing (oil) stains!

  31. Today is my day off. I;m enjoying it .

  32. Food on my daughter's clothes, always!

  33. I start college classes in a few weeks, I'm so excited!!

  34. the toughest stain to remove for me is when the lovely grandchildren got into my makeup

  35. I always struggled with cloth diapers.

  36. I'm enjoying cool weather in Florida.

  37. happy new year! thanks for the chance to win!

  38. Toughest stains are my sons formula stains - they're on EVERYTHING!

    acartwrightmorell at gmail dot com

  39. I got a new car today! Not happy about having a car payment again, but it IS very pretty and fun to drive! :D

    Happy New Year!

  40. I love purex. Thanks for hosting this giveaway

  41. peas and squash from a jar on a white onesie

  42. toughest stains are in babyy's diapers.

  43. Thank you for this giveaway! Toughest stain - ketchup!

  44. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  45. Happy- I'm due in less than 2 months! :)

  46. I have yet to have to remove baby stains; I'm pregnant with my first due in a few weeks!

  47. I think getting formula out of my son's clothes, is the toughest. Molly Bussler

  48. I appreciate the chance to try this detergent. Thank you, Molly Bussler

  49. Wonderful giveaway! I am due to give birth within the next month this would be great for his clothing.

  50. Thanks for an awesome giveaway!!
    chavonne h

  51. Love your blog! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  52. Worst was carrots. They stain so bad.

  53. My 2 yr old has school tomorrow. I can't wait! That though alone makes me Happy!

  54. Happy New Year! Thanks so much for the giveaway and your awesome blog!!!!

  55. today is warm enough to melt the ice - yea
    Happy New Year

  56. baby stains - I can remember my daughter being sick and just coping with collateral damage of carpets, sofa and bedding

  57. Happy happy new year! I can't seem to find your fb page to leave the comment. I figured if I clicked submit, one of the entries would be to like your page but twas not. :(

  58. grape juice (it ended up all over her and my off white carpet) because the sippy leaked!

  59. Happy New Year... may we all strive to see the beauty in our world.

  60. The toughest stain I have to get out of my twins' clothes as of now are the orange and dark yellow baby foods.

  61. I have four amazing children that are all young. The youngest are twins at 9 months. I'd love to try Purex on their clothes. Thank you for the chance. :)

  62. The toughest baby stain to remove was the EBF poo from my SIL's pocketbook.

  63. baby formula is always the worst to try and get out. I find the cutest things at yard sales/thrift stores for my new grand daughter, but won't buy because of the set-in stain!

  64. Got a new grand daughter for Christmas!! Of course, she is growing quickly, and is such a joy!......she makes everything OK when you hold and look at her!

  65. I have something very happy to say!!!! LISTEN UP!!! Ghost busters 3 is coming fall 2013!!! I so excited I can scream :) I love GB..... After all the holiday snacking im sarting to think I am a relative of the state puff marshmellow man LOL

  66. Peas!!! Any veggie really! Must soak the stain or its a pain in the butt :)

  67. any stain is terrible in my house!! Love the giveaway keep up good work!!

  68. Baby food is the worst stain
    iloveher6923 at yahoo dot com

  69. Thanks for the opportunity to win!! Have a very happy new year :)
    iloveher6923 at yahoo dot com

  70. Stephanie Thompson Greasy hand stains from Gpa and little guys not wanting to wait until he washes his hands to pick them up.

  71. So excited to get the chance to win some laundry detergent!


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