Friday, October 5, 2012

Support the National Breast Cancer Foundation with Musselman's "Celebrate Family" sweetstakes and event

Some of my readers are aware that my daughter is a breast cancer suvivor - two years now.  She had a very aggressive form of Her2+ (I guess that is the way to say it) and has had her chemo treatments and some pretty major surgery.  She is a school teacher of special ed students in a small town in Georgia.  My husband also battled Lymphoma and is a 2 year survivor.  We are so thankful and blessed that there was wonderful treatments available for them.  So our family's heart goes out to those in the big "C" battle.  Now let's talk about the NBCF and Mussleman and how they are working together to defeat the big "C" monster.

This year the show is the Musselman’s Apple Sauce Family Skating Tribute. Hosted by skating champions (and parents) Kristi Yamaguchi and Michael Weiss, the star-studded event features a live performance by Grammy Nominee Jewel, as well as other champion and Olympian skaters and their children.
On 9/19/12, Musselman’s began running a Celebrate Family sweepstakes on its Facebook page at For every new “like”, Musselman’s will donate $1 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF). Keeping families healthy is part of Musselman’s mission and donating to, and working with the NBCF is a big part of that mission.

Once an individual “likes” the page, the fun begins.  Each week Musselman's will pose a question – does your family like “this” or do they “that”?  Fans will answer the question and then be able to enter into a sweepstakes. They can enter one time each week.  Fans are able to enter one time each week . . . so there are lots of chances to win! To help encourage participation and further support the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Musselman’s will donate an additional $1 to NBCF for each entry it receives. *It’s a win-win. Fans get a chance to win prizes and the NBCF gets a larger donation with each entry.  

It’s easy to enter:
1)  Go to the Musselman’s Facebook page at and click the like button (if you have not done so already)

2)  Click on the Sweepstakes tab to go to the page to answer the “this or that” question

3)  Fill out an entry form for the sweepstakes

4)  Share the link with friends and family

Thank you in advance for your support of Musselman’s Celebrate Family sweepstakes. Be sure to visit Musselman’s Facebook Page for all the details!


  1. Thanks for sharing. I will definitely take part. I am a new reader who did not know about your daughter and your husband's illnesses. From your description above, it sounds like they were going through treatments at the same time. That must have been such a horrible, horrible time. I can't even imagine. So glad to hear they are both survivors. My sister-in-law also battled breast cancer (same type as your daughter) twice. She is a five year survivor now after the second time. BTW, she lives in North Carolina. Hugs to you xx

  2. Oh well...I'm not eligible, but I liked the page anyways! :D


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