Sunday, September 23, 2012

Pacific Beach Peanut Butter™ - Review & Giveaway

Travel back a bit in time with me, if you will.  When I was a young mother (I'm a Southern Lady of-a-certain-age now) and my five children were growing up, we had "supermarkets."  But we also had the "corner" grocery where the meat market was a local butcher and he knew you and your family by name.  They had short aisles, a few various grocery items, fresh produce and you could grind peanuts in the store into your own jar you brought from home.

Once you got this old-fashioned peanut butter home, you had to be careful to stir it every time you used it, because it would separate with the peanut oil on top.  It was just peanuts ground up.  You could stir in a little salt if you wanted to, but it was stiff-stuff to stir.  It was wholesome.  And, it could become  rancid because there were no preservatives in it.  But it really didn't last long in a large family that tended to cook peanut butter cookies on a regular basis and serve-up lots of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Those days of grinding your own peanuts in the store are for the most part gone.  But you can still find great tasting peanut butter that takes you back to that you-grind-it-yourself flavor. That is if you get yourself some Pacific Beach Peanut Butter!

They have perfected the method of grinding Valencia peanuts (their choice for best quality and taste) and varying it with some add-ins that really give it a gourmet kick.  Right now I have some chocolate raspberry peanut butter, some toffee peanut butter, and some cinnamon peanut butter.  Pacific Beach Peanut Butter sent these flavors to me in an absolutely beautiful and understated navy blue gift box with a gold elastic band closing it.  Inside was yellow shredded packing paper to cushion these delectable jars of peanut butter.  A beautiful and great tasting treat. (My package also had a cute silver Pacific Beach spoon included!) Don't you just hear this package shouting to you, "Give me to someone you love!"?

I have been enjoying each of these treats.  They are all crunchy, rich in distinctive flavor, and full of nutritious goodness.  I truly can't pick a favorite. I thought my favorite was the chocolate raspberry until I tasted the cinnamon.  Truly a hard choice.

These peanut butters are thick but you can spoon them out and eat them "as is" or you can follow the directions and heat a little to restore the right spreadable consistency.

I challenge you to treat yourself to this very nice gift for yourself.  But it might also be a really nice treat for the peanut butter loving person in your life to gift them with a truly enjoyable gourmet twist to his or her peanut butter. Order here!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ GIVEAWAY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
(USA only - ENDS OCTOBER 9 AT 12:01 a.m. EST)

Wait patiently while loads, please.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
DISCLOSURE: I was provided a package of 3 jars of Pacific Beach Peanut Butter in order to render my honest review.  Pacific Beach Peanut Butter will also provide the winner's prize package and ship it directly to them.  All opinions express are my own.


  1. I love to support family owned companies and we only eat products that are on the natural side of things with ingredients we can recognize and pronounce. :)

    1. This country is under-girded by the small, family owned business - whether it is in small town USA on the street corner or family owned that uses the internet as their store-front. So I, too, try to give as much business as I can to the family owned businesses. Eating natural..... it is a pleasure and joy when we can actually read and understand the ingredients in a product, isn't it???

  2. What a great item. Nutrition and sweet together.

  3. I love that this is a family owned company. I would love to win!

  4. I love the flavors and supporting small American companies. I also try to eat as natural as possible. All of their products look amazing.

  5. I love that you are having a great giveaway

  6. Oh my!! I would love for this to be open to Canada! :( I'll have to go looking for the chocolate raspberry peanut butter - that sounds sooooo good.

  7. I love that it supports companies in America and I also like the no bake cookie recipes!

  8. We love peanut butter debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  9. We love PB at my house except for my son. This looks great!! I love the gift box and all it's decorations that the PR came with!! Nice :)

  10. We love peanut butter, and this peanut butter sounds great!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  11. We love peanut butter and have never tried this kind before.

  12. I'm enjoying my visits to your blog. Glad I subscribed!

    1. So glad you are enjoying your visits to Chat With Vera.

  13. ah, this is like my best dream ever! I love peanut butter!

    abbegirl1977 at gmail dot com

  14. I love you even more than I did before, now that there's peanut butter involved, lol.

    abbegirl1977 at gmail dot com

    1. Ah, thank you for the virtual love. Here's a hug back :)

  15. Left a comment on PBPB here:


    abbegirl1977 at gmail dot com

  16. i love peanut butter esp when its chunky and has more flavors

  17. great blog and good product review :)

  18. Great giveaway--- my husband loves PB and that Toffee PB would be a fave of his I believe!

  19. Today is going to be a cuddle with my sweetie movie day. Email: yona(at)

  20. I love peanut butter and am curious to try this spread - always on the lookout for tasty products.Email: yona(at)

    I posted on their facebook page!

  22. I love PB & this looks soo good!! Awesome giveaway !

  23. i like that the peanut butter is made by three generations! Very cool!

  24. i think it's great that you are supporting this company! great giveaway!

  25. I love this awesome giveaway! Thanks!

  26. It's healthy and a unconventional peanut butter giveaway!

  27. I love that it is a family company!

  28. I love this giveaway and your blog too!!

  29. i would love to try this peanut butter, i know that my kids would enjoy it too! thanks

  30. i like that this peanut butter taste like you grinded it yourself! thanks

  31. I appreciate the bloggers who bring new items to our attention.

    Terri P
    pr4gatheringroses AT gmail DOT com

  32. Great blog review and giveaway -- makes me WANT Peanut Butter! :)

    Terri P
    pr4gatheringroses AT gmail DOT com

  33. I think cyber-space ate my last comment! I loved your review -- it makes me WANT to eat peanut butter!

    Terri P
    pr4gatheringroses AT gmail DOT com

  34. I love peanut butter and am always looking for new brands to try. I like that this is made of 100% peanuts, no additives.

  35. I love this giveaway because my husband is a peanut butter freak and his birthday is coming up!

    1. Randi - If you are not chosen as the winner, you should order some for him. It is a most unusual take on peanut butter and would make a really nice gift. Not "frilly" because a man wouldn't want that, but if you wanted to gift a lady she'd love it, too.

  36. Great giveaway! Thanks for doing this for your readers!

  37. I am a huge peanut butter lover. This would be great!

    katie at coverbutton dot net

  38. We eat a lot of peanut butter in this house, so this is a great giveaway for us!!

  39. I love peanut butter - especially natural, no sugar peanut butter!

  40. The flavors look soooo good!

  41. I like that they fill the jars by hand!


    Terri P
    pr4gatheringroses AT gmail DOT com

  43. I'm a peanut butter junkie and this is making my mouth water.Lol! Thanks for the yummy giveaway! :)

  44. I feel so blessed to have found your blog.I also a giveaway junkie and I love yours. Thank you :)
    Have A Blessed Wk

  45. I love that they have so many different flavors. The white chocolate peanut butter sounds amazing!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  46. I liked them on FB and said you sent me
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  47. I love that it's natural peanut butter. It tastes better


  48. It's a new, God-given day! What could be better?


  49. I like the entrepreneurship in the founder.
    tarter95 at hotmail dot com

  50. Thank you for offering a "good eats" giveaway.
    tarter95 at hotmail dot com

  51. Sounds like delicious peanut butter!
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  52. The peanut butter looks so delicious in the pictures!

  53. Today was the first cold day of the year and everyone complained but I love the change in weather :)

  54. I am looking forward to a nice Autumn Day, hope everyone has a super day!
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  55. This peanut butter has some awesome flavors!
    Thanks for the giveaway -- it's much appreciated!
    It's finally starting to look more like Fall here, having cooled off a little!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net


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