Wednesday, June 5, 2013

"If You Were Me and Lived In" - Mexico, France: An Introduction to Cultures Series by Carole P. Roman (Review & Giveaway)

Former Social Studies teacher and award-winning author, Carole P. Roman (Captain No Beard series - see my reviews, please) has written a new series of straight forward geographical/language introductory books for the young child. The If You Were Me and Lived In....... series begins with Mexico as book 1 and France as book 2.

Illustrated with simple, brightly colored line drawings of a boy and girl who are the narrators will appeal to children for the simplicity and colorful detail.  The two children instruct first of all on the locale of Mexico and France. Once you understand where the country is located, you begin with some basic terms or words: France - your mommy is Maman and your daddy is Papa. They would pay in Euros (money). You might eat crepes (thin pancakes) or play with your poupĂ©e (doll). And then in Mexico - Mommy and daddy are Mama and Papa (Oh, not so different, you say?). For money you would use a peso. A favorite food might be a tamale - but we can get them here in the USA, too.  And your doll is know as a muñeca.

Carole Roman is dedicated to helping children learn - good conduct, good behavior, and social studies. All this is well presented in her very enjoyable books Captain No Beard series and this new series If You Were Me and Lived in..... Her interest in children learning is further illustrated in her generosity in providing copies for families to read to their children. So be sure you enter to win one copy of each of the new books If You Were Me and Lived in Mexico and France.

When my children were growing up, the study of geography was sadly lacking in the school classroom, so I did a bit with them at home. We used a World globe to learn location and sizes of countries and how to identify the continents on which each were located. We also intensely read the National Geographic magazines (kept the old copies for extended reference and learning) and studied the accompanying maps. Ms. Roman's new books are a step in the right direction for young children to immerse themselves with geography, customs, and beginning language.

At the end of each of these books is a glossary of the new language words used in the book. It would be so much fun to read the Mexico book and then go to a "Mexican" restaurant and order tamales.  And then to also "speak a few words in your new language" with some of the native Mexican waiters. Why not try it?

GIVEAWAY:Use the Rafflecopter form below to enter. You may be blessed to be the winner of these two books that Carole P. Roman  is so generously providing. I believe she also plans to provide an inflatable world globe. Won't that be fun? Begins June 5 & ENDS June 27 @ 12:01 a.m. EDT. Open to USA addresses only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway  
DISCLOSURE: The author provided a copy of each book to facilitate my honest review. The winner's copy will also be provided by the author. Opinions expressed are solely my own.


  1. I do not. My children do not. My grandchildren, a little.

  2. Here is the link to my FB comment:

  3. I share most of the things I win with my children or grandchildren. In fact, I rarely enter for myself. I have 4 grown children, 4 grown children in laws & 14 grands, so this helps a lot with prizes from Nan Nan!

  4. I used to know Spanish, my husband studied German. My 2 boys know Spanish and my daughter studies German.
    When they were very young, we had au paires that lived with us and took care of them. We had Barbora from Chech Republic, Katja from Germany (who was here visiting for 2 weeks at the end of April. She brought her mother here for her first trip to the US; we had a great time! We then had Britta from Germany ( she stayed only a short time. She was homesick and left. We really liked her! We then had Kinga from Poland. Our last au paire was from Germany, can't remember her name. She didnt stay long either. They stayed for 1 year and then had to return. It was a fantastic program. They became a part of our family!

  5. we speak a little spanish from dora

  6. i do random acts of kindness every chance i get


  8. DD is learning Spanish in school but other than that its English at home! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  9. We do not speak another language.

  10. I love to share my books with family and friends after I have enjoyed them.

  11. No one in the household knows a second language fluently, but I know a little German, and my daughter on her gaming system is starting to learn French.

  12. I am trying to teach my children German as I am learning it myself right now but it seems to confuse them. "That is not the right word for yellow mommy."

    1. Well, I think a good response to "that is not the right word for yellow mommy" would be "If you were me and lived in GERMANY" it would be! ;)

  13. I would like to share that Ms. Rowan also wrote a book titled, "I want to do yoga too" that my daughters love. Admittedly I do not do yoga but I do let them pick out one book each at the brick and mortar bookstore.

    I share movies, books, and cds with coworkers and neighbors with children of a similar age group. I would never have found out about a great amount of media out there if I did not do this. Sometimes things don't come back but if I really loved it, I can get another one or check it out from the library.

  14. What a fantastic idea for a book series! I also read and reviewed her Captain No Beard books, and I had no idea she had this in the works! Fantastic! Tweeting...

  15. I commented at Carole P Roman Cultural Books For Children_

  16. No, we don't regularly speak another language.

  17. Our youngest is nonverbal so we all sign.


  19. My girls speak French


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