Monday, November 29, 2010

This is so funny......

Life is a bit much these days in our household. So when I was cllicking through my favorite sites just to see who was there and what was going on, there at the tippy-top of OCH was the following......
Shouldn't you be going to bed soon, GrannyGodley?
The time is 10:37. Late? Yep. But some nights I'm up into the wee hours because my inner clock doesn't realize it is bed time.

So . . . . .
Shouldn't you be going to bed soon, GrannyGodley?
really grabbed my attention and tickled my funny bone. Here you sweet young things that manage this website are telling this ol' Granny that it's time to go to bed. Mommy, may I have a glass of water? Mommy, I need to >>>>> (you fill in the blanks). Tee-hee-hee.

Thanks for giving me a smile for this day/night. When life tries to create a little crack in the veneer of your life, it is good to find a smile to cement the pieces back together.

Saturday, November 20, 2010